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She wasn't there for graduation and that's when I panicked. She couldn't have been sick. She was fine the day before. After I received my diploma, I drove to her house. She wasn't there. No one was. I checked all over town and she was no where to be found. Panic and anxiety were setting in.

  "Guys, I don't know where she could be," I stressed.

  "Think Taehyun. Is there a place where you two always went? Anything like that?" Soobin asked, rationally. Soobin was always the calm and rational one.

"Thank you so much! I'm gonna go check! I'll talk to you guys later," I told them, hanging up and immediately driving to our place.

I'm sure I went above the speed limit and if the roads weren't pretty much abandoned, the cops would've given me trouble about it.

When I made it to our place, a car was there. I rushed out of my car to the other car, peeking in the windows. No one. The empty car gave me anxiety. As I made my way closer to the opening, belongings became more scattered. First, her phone, blown up with notifications from me, her wallet thrown by her car, her keys beside her phone. What made my heart drop was the small piece of paper, held by a rock. It was right where we usually sat.

I picked up the paper and read it. I still read it to this day.


I know you're the one reading this because you're the only one who could've known this place.
Please know... I have my reasons. And I can't explain them all. In short, I'm tired. I'm tired of everything. I'm tired of all the stress and the sadness, I'm tired of sleeping and still feeling tired. I'm tired of waking up and not wanting to get out of bed, having no reason or motivation to get out of bed. I'm tired. I really tried my best. I did.
I really didn't want to write one of these, but I care for you too much. So thank you for yesterday. It was the best day of my life. I loved it so much.
Please don't get lost anymore. I don't want you getting hurt. If you call out to me, I won't be able to answer anymore, so please don't get lost.


That was it. I didn't know what to do. I dropped the note. I looked around, frantically, trying to spot any sign of her. But nothing. The immediate silence following was so loud. I wanted it to stop. I wanted to hear her voice again. Looking back, I was in denial. I thought maybe if I called out to her, she might still answer.

"Marco!" I screamed into the empty air. I chocked on my sobs as tears streamed down my cheeks, making my face feel weird and tight. The lump in my throat refused to disappear as I awaited a response, only to be met with the soft echo of my own voice.

I wanted to hear her voice calling out to me, finishing my sentence. All that responded was a silence that was deafening. The only sound that could be heard was my chocked sobs.

"Marco!" I screamed out again, my voice going hoarse, my throat feeling scratchy. I could barely breathe. I sucked in air harshly, screaming out, the only response being my own voice. I was lost. I was lost and the only person who could've found me couldn't answer.

I feel to my knees as I sobbed. My cries got louder and louder. I couldn't think of what to do. I pounded on the ground, my hand getting sore.

"Answer me! Marco!" I yelled out, my voice spreading over the small lake where we used to sit and splash around. Where we sat yesterday, as if things were perfectly fine. The only thing I could think to do in that moment was call Soobin.

"Taehyun? Did you find her? What's wrong?" He asked concerned. He could hear my sobs through the speaker of the phone.

"Please," I cried out, "please help me."

"Taehyun, what's going on?" He asked. I could hear his car keys jingling. "Taehyun where are you?"

I told him where I was through choked sobs and he told me not to move. Not like I wanted to anyways. I couldn't stop the tears from flowing. They just kept coming out as I tried to steady my uneven breaths.

When he got there, he called out my name. I called out his. He found me and instantly pulled me into a hug like the good comforting person that he is.

"It's alright. I'm here now. What happened? Can you tell me what happened?" He asked softly.

I only pointed towards the note I had dropped. He picked it up, reading it quickly. He was definitely surprised. In a bad way. He didn't know what to say.

"Taehyun... I'm... I'm gonna call the police."

When they showed up, they asked a bunch of questions I could barely answer. Soobin stayed with me the whole time. I was thankful for that. He told my parents and they both came to pick me up.

They found her that day. I didn't want to see her. Not like that. I couldn't see her.

One of my parents took my car home while the other drove the car that they came in. I went back with Soobin. Soobin was always someone I looked up to and found comfort in. I was always clinging to his arm before I met

The funeral was soon after. That's when I saw her again. I still couldn't stop crying. I saw her arms too. Littered with cuts and scars. I cursed myself. I should've noticed. If I had noticed then maybe she would still be alive.

I always felt lost now. I had to take a break from everything. Eventually I was fine. She wouldn't have wanted me to be sad for this long. So I picked myself up off the ground and dusted myself off.

I still get lost a lot. Every time I get lost, I remember the girl who always found me when I was lost. I wished I could hear it again. The small exchange, just one more time. Just once more.



Marco Polo (Taehyun x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now