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  Like I said previously, she was in my class. I had only noticed her when I heard her familiar voice answer when her name was called during attendance. I was surprised to say the least. Who wouldn't be? She was right in front of me though, and I had the chance that I previously wanted. I wanted to thank her in some way. I stopped her before lunch break. I wasn't sure where she was going to go.

  "Let me buy you lunch." That was the summary of my little thank you speech to her. She seemed hesitant at first, but after lots of convincing, she let me. It was nice. She sat across from me while she ate. She didn't eat a lot, but I just assumed that maybe she didn't have a big appetite.

  We also got to know each other well. She always seemed a bit hesitant and reserved, but she answered my questions. I got to know things like her favourite subject and what college she planned on going to and the important things. I wasn't sure what made me so enthusiastic about getting to know her, but I wanted to know more. I was intrigued.

I noticed a few small habits. One of the most noticeable, at least to me, was how she always held onto the edge of her sleeves, making them cover her hands. It was an adorable little habit.

When lunch was over, she walked with me to class. She said it was so that I didn't get lost. I liked that she could poke fun at me already. I really hoped we would be good friends.

Marco Polo (Taehyun x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now