The start of a painful life

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His story starts off all the way back in June 27th, 2004, in London in the St.Patrick hospital, back to the day he was birthed. The stress and pain his mother experienced for the offspring that she had yet to even have only made her hate for her unborn child increase. The moment he was finally removed from his mother's womb, hatred filled the room. The parents of the African American child gazed with cold, heartless eyes at the helpless, crying newborn, despite his appearance being that of no other. His skin was mostly African American brown, except there that riddle his body were patches of Caucasian skin. By the doctors he was diagnosed with vitiligo. And it also appeared as if his eye lashes and hair were white, along with his lips, so it was also suspected that he had a combination of vitiligo and albinoism somehow. He had the smoothest skin there was and his hair was silk-soft and resembled in quality of a cloud. Yet despite all these unique features, he was still despised and resented by his parents. As soon as he was brought home, from the very beginning he was neglected. The early moments of his life spent without being cradled in the caring, compassionate arms of a loving mother. He filled the few weeks at his new home sitting clothless on the bare carpet crying his lungs out, as his parents didn't even care for him enough to dress him. Soon however, this all came to a end once his parents finally had enough of his screaming and tossing, and for the first time, his mother aggressively raised her hand against her child and slapped him. To her surprise however, striking the annoyance in her life filled her with relief, and she felt happier, until the child began to whine even louder than before, and her relief sunk away. So, similar to before, she hits the child again, and again, and again, and again, and again, relentlessly and repeatedly, each strike becoming harder and harder, before her strength brings the poor baby to unconsciousness. This repeated for years on end, and he became his parents personal stress reliever. Each day he would be beaten by his mother and father simultaneously, and they would use every ounce of power they had to physically and mentally abuse him. They even began to buy different torture devices from the black market to assist in their torturing pleasure, which was after they had used every item there was in the house to abuse him further with. They even began incorporating everyday objects and tools into the process. After a decade, they had tortured him in every way possible on Earth, and what was even more shocking, was that he survived and endured this all astoundingly, which was due to his supernatural healing system, which allowed all fibers, tissues,  muscles,  blood vessels, and even his bone marrow to regenerate at light speeds, moments after being damaged. He had to endure this pain while his body continued to heal itself tenaciously, despite the fact being that he wanted nothing more than to die and be exiled from existence forever. He was a frail, meek young child, only at the age of 10, and was so famished and parched his body was nothing but bone and minor, thin flesh. His body was already riddled with extreme scars and cuts, bruises and burns, lacerations and stitches. But, their was a slight silver lining to his situation. His parents had become poor from excessively buying items to torture him with and were no longer able to afford their house, and due to their terrible work-ethic, they were fired from their jobs. He was forced to beg and steal goods, valuables, and money for his parents at times, putting his life in danger, only for his parents to sell everything for alcohol and drugs. However, this gave him the chance to escape from such a abusive and toxic family. But as expected, a terrible action intervened in his plans. Before he was given the chance to escape, his parents sold him to scientists they met on the deep web who were willing to pay them millions of dollars in return for their unwanted son in order to do experiments on him. They immediately accepted their proposal and he was taken away. He was dragged into a humongous, abandoned,  hospital-turned-labratory, where the torture began once again. They had already been informed by his remarkable regeneration, so they expressed no remorse when preforming their brutal and fatal experiments upon their subject. They tested drugs and toxins on him, and even virus's and prototype gadgets and inventions as well, which all produced mass reactions that brought him pain unknown by man and that had never been experienced ever before. After 4 years of these continuous torture sessions, they finally concluded their studies, and were completely astonished at how their subject remained alive still. They ran extra tests on his body and tried even more ways to kill him, one of which was draining every last drop of blood from his body,  yet he still refused to perish. So, after they analyzed his DNA in order to possibly produce a drug to give the similar affects of his regeneration system, they locked him away for 2 years with no physical contact whatsoever. Then, he slept in the overwhelming abyss of darkness, his eyes opened wide, and something inside him snapped. At that very moment, he lost every ounce of sanity and emotion left inside of him, his body was no longer affected by pain, and a immense,  astronomically gargantuan amount of power rushed around inside of him. He stood from the cold, rough,  bare floor of the room that he sat in and slowly approached the exit, then with a flick of a finger, he burst the 10 meter thick, titanium door and wall open. The door and wall that the door was attached to burst open with overwhelming,  raw strength,  and he stepped out into the light. Everything following that moment was a blurr for him, but what had occurred, was that he had completely destroyed the lab and completely annihilated everyone in the vacinity with one breath, before going on a rampage and killing spree around his entire state, completely wiping out everyone that inhabited the state (including his mother and father). He then began to travele to the next state over on foot,  before suddenly he collapses face first into the Earth. His heart and pulse ceases, and he lays there motionless for a moment.  Moments turn into minutes, which then turn into hours, and then those hours turn into days. Days turn into weeks,  weeks into years, and years into decades. However,  his body was never disturbed because coincidentally, his body was in a ditch that no one dare to cross into. The cause of this shutdown was because the unfathomable surge of power he experienced became so much, that he died after using it, but while he lay there dead, he didn't decay, as for a extremely odd reason, his body's regeneration system continued to function perfectly. Not only did this happen however, but also as he was dead, a galactic phenomenon occurred. Two planets larger than any of the other planets, one representing the power of the wolf, darkness, and the other one representing the power of the lynx, light,  roamed into the solar system, and soon collided, resulting in a explosion similar to the theorized "big bang". However,  the solar system wasn't destroyed. Instead, the power of the blast, and of the two planets, was condensed into a meteor that shot down at Earth. The meteor was unstoppable as it plummeted toward Earth's surface, and humanity believed it was the end for their reign. But, the power meteor happened to land exactly onto the area of the dead body of our protagonist, and upon impact, the energy transferred due to some unexplainable science into the naked corpse. Once every bit of energy was blasted inside of him, he finally, after years, began to regain consciousness. However,  something was different. On the right side of the top of his head was now a wolf's ear, and across from it was a lynx's ear. In accessory to that change, a wolf and lynx tail extended from his rear. As this all occurred, he still remained oblivious to it all, and didn't understand where he was, what he was doing here,  how he got here,  why he got here,  or anything at all. The only things he understood how to do was speak, walk, eat, sleep, drink, and kill. He first decided to deal with his first obvious predicament, which was escaping the ditch, so in attempt, he jumps up into the air, only to be sent extremely high up into the sky and out of the ditch. He lands swiftly onto the grass that surrounded the area without breaking a single bone, as if he was weightless. He was so confused and shocked tremendously by what he just preformed, and looks down at his body to realize he was still naked (he was never given clothes before this). He looks around, baffled by the new world he had been introduced to. He was like a newborn being brought into the real,  open world who didn't understand anything. But, however, what he did understand, was that something was off, and that he had to get a better understanding of this new life.

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