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I was sitting at my desk thinking of the song I was gonna sing. I was playing some old school 5 Seconds of Summer, when 'Heartbreak Girl' came on.

"Perfect" I whispered and wrote a small note about it. My phone rang and I picked it up immediately, as I knew who it was. He was crying again, and I just wanted to yell about how he could date me and feel happy again but, I bit my tongue and let him speak.

"Kevin I want you to be honest with me. Did Sangyeon mean anything that he did, was it all a show for him"

I clenched my fist and sighed, "Jacob just stop please, he's a player, of course, it meant nothing. Its what he does, courts you then leaves you broken" he sobbed and my heart broke.

"I kn-know... i-i I'm not ready to let it- him go" I muted my mic and growled, I was so frustrated. Sangyeon treated him so badly, but I'm so good to him.

"It's not fair!' i yelled and quickly unmuted myself. We talked for a couple of minutes.

He says, "I'll call you tomorrow at 10"

As I laid in bed I realized I was gonna be stuck in the friend-zone forever. Rolling over I read my clock, '1:26 AM' I knew sleep was hopeless, so might as well practice. I got out of bed and opened my window and sat on the small balcony that faced the woods behind my house.

I started with the chorus.

"I dedicate this song to you,
The one who never sees the truth,
That I can take away your hurt, heartbreak girl.
Hold you tight straight through the daylight,
I'm right here, when you gonna realize
That I'm your cure, heartbreak girl?"

Little did I know that two houses down sat Jacob next to his open window, humming along and slowly falling asleep with a smile on his face.

I'm bored, so if someone wants to message me that's fine. Short but sweet. Love you, miss you, take care. Bye.


Heartbreak Boy~ MoonbaeWhere stories live. Discover now