Chapter 9: The Madness

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The ennui of laziness not only eats at the mind of the sloth, but also the jaguar, and the harpy eagle.

"Thou not only merely expos'd how she might flee, but correspondingly, thou reveal'd gen that can be capable of exterminating our advantage. Art thou that thoughtless!?" shouted Nermal at the top of his lungs to Wrath, whom had just explained what happened the Motel.

"Sorry boss, but why bother so much on five teenagers, a skeleton, and an old man? It seems to be a waste of time and energy," retorted Wrath.

Nermal became so enraged at Wrath's remark, everything in the office caught into an inferno.

"Then I shalt enlighten thou!" he roared directly into the anger sin's face, "If they art to abscond the motel, then I, thou, and all of Hell is to become enslav'd to the maiden thou fail'd to detain."

Shortly after this outburst, the flames went out, for Nermal calmed down. He had a scheme.

"But, haply ye art accurate," he said, "Perchance by chance I am exhausting excessive élan. Haply I shalt lay-to approximately less vim."

They had followed Nermal's daughter for a half-hour since Lust, and they were all stunned. No one had ever suspected that Samson and Joni would ever date, let alone each other.

They now were now in the gym.

"Have you ever noticed that every major room in this motel is about thirty minutes of spacing from each other?" Jack asked Sasha.

Sasha giggled. Out of every one at the motel, she was the one who found his jokes the funniest.

"No," she said, then gently pushed him, (She knew where he was because he was holding her hand to guide her through the trek.) "Hey, I can't notice anything; I am still blind."

They both gave a laugh as Jack retook Sasha's hand to venture forth.

A couple moments passed as they joked back and forth to pass the time.

"Hey Jack, there is something I wanted to ask you," proclaimed Sasha.

"Yes, what is it?"

Before she could answer, Jack's hand slipped away from her grasp.

"Jack? Jack? Where'd you go?"

Sasha heard the sound of her friend being muffled and dragged away.

"Guys!" she cried as everyone turned to face her.

"I think Jack's been kidnaped!"

Jack struggled to find the light switch.

When he found it and turned it on, he saw that he was not alone. A man in baggy clothes slumbered behind him.

"Turn the sodding light off!" bawled the man.

"No! I demand to know where I am, and who you are!" snapped Jack.

"Ugh, fine, I'll tell you. You're in the Elliptical Room *yawn* doors over there. Don't bother to try and open it; it's locked, and I gave the key to Wrath to "play" with it. I would have made a wall like the other two, but it's hard. So, instead I kidnaped you and shoved you in here."

"And your name?"

"Sloth, I don't want to deal with trying to compel you to stay, hence you lose the game, but it would be easier to kill you."

Sloth snapped his fingers, and a circle of green, devillistic fire surrounded Jack.

Nermal, who was viewing this horrific site from his office, noticed something odd. Jack was not being burned.

This puzzled him, for this combustion was supposed to instantaneously slay any mortal, and yet, this mortal was just standing there, merely frightened and confused.

Nermal transmuted to the scene of the fire to investigate.

"Sloth!" he shouted as arrived, "Extinguish these flames, and go to mine workroom, I covet to hast a tête-à-tête with thou."

"Ok, boss," said Sloth as fear greater than Jack had when faced with death filled his eyes. He snapped his fingers to put out the fire, and then transformed into a bubble and floated to The Misery Heaven.

"Thou!" Nermal had directed his attention to Jack, "Why art thou still flesh and blood? Wherefore doth thou still breathe? Wherefore did thou last through flames that will molt years off a mortal in mere seconds? Wherefore doth thou stand 'ere me anon?"

"I don't know," claimed Jack.

"What doth thou cullionly? Only a demon couldst withstand those flames and state those words to me after," Nermal paused for a moment, "Wait. . . art thou a goodyear, 'r another type of demon, 'r spawn of one?"

"Well, my mom does act really in-human."

"What is designation of thy mother?

"Rose Carterece."

"So, ye art a half-demon."

"I am? Do I have any demonic powers?"

"'Tis f'r thou to discov'r."

Nermal vanished back into the Abyss.

"Demonic powers, eh?" said Jack as he approached the sealed door, and picked up one of the Elliptical safety keys and jammed it into the gateway's key-aperture, "I can do this." He imagined the key working, and as he turned it, it did.

"I can't wait to see what else I can do."

He was not far from where he was shanghaied.

"You'll never guess what just happened!"

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