Chapter 13: The Emptiness

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There is quite a difference between greed and envy.

Greed is more forgivable. It is only natural. If an animal does not share food or shelter or other items of importance with others, it is needed for its survival.

Envy is not as so. Envy is when food or shelter or other items of importance is stolen from others, just because they possess what you don't.

Envy was the youngest incantation of any sin, though she probably had the third most amount of work in Hell, right behind Nermal and Pride. She was only ninety-nine, (demons age far slower than humans, so she and her cousin, who was a year older than Envy, where still considered to not be adults (Rose Carterece, on the other hand, was five hundred-and-eighty-two)) and Aemulorinis was the second buzziest area in the buzziest area of the Cosmos.

She had just got back to work from the "VIP" lounge when a loud, screeching noise shot across Aemulorinis and in to the ears of those who had stolen from others just because those possess what they did not.

Envy smiled. Just by attaching a microphone to her fax machine and doing away with her phone, torturing those who were compelled by herself far simpler.

The fax read 'Gluttony hath fail'd. Thou hast a job. Ye art the final string that holds our kingdom of Hell together.'

Envy held her head in agony as she sent a fax asking whom the target was. That day's was so excruciating, an added "persuasion" job gave her a migraine.

A fax in reply said, 'Thy cousin, and, at the moment, the eventual success'r to the throne of Hell.'

Envy smiled. A legal chance to bring Hell down on to Nermal's-little-princess made worth with the cringe-making work.

The mure, at last, had reached the lobby of the Three Angry Tikis Motel, the first room seen by the survivors (of course, disclosing Kno, for she was the one who joined after the motel started going to Hell) within that, to the most of those who traversed in that lobby, delightfully, deviously, happily, haunted night, like the Christmas eve of 1993.

Only Heads found it to be just deviously haunted.

"Whell," said the apparent crowbar knight of the supernatural isle, finishing his first bottle of salvaged rum, and back to the blotto seaman, "Ath much ath I love this hyar place .... FO'GIT IT!"

At that, the fat, bearded, cue tip, in his disoriented state, instead of running through the front door, he ran through the fake bricks and mortar, reviling that they only had about two minutes left before they all became Nermal's, for the very tip of the sun began to reveal itself over the horizon. (the door was wooden and the windows were non-existent)

The mortals sprinted at the door and hole, while Kno flew towards the openings.

Two inches from freedom, Kno and Heads collapsed feat of an invisible, poisonous cloud.

When Heads came to, he found himself in a lustrous meadow.

He thought this to be liberation, until he saw a whale teleporting around.

"What's all this?" he asked, as he saw all of the other weird things going on around him while he got up.

"We're in what is called the Dreaming Room," said a beautiful voice, "The lands between the conscious and subconscious, between awake and asleep, and the fields of lucid dreams."

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