Chapter 17: Old man

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We stayed in the hug for some time until I remembered where I had to go. I gasped and quickly got out of the hug.

"Sorry Phillip but I need to head somewhere now!" I said, running off to the forest, remembering I had to give them the sweets I made as well.


I look back down at the bag of sweets in my hands. Unconsciously, my lips curved upwards as I took one bear shape sweet out. Biting into it, my smile grew wider.

'She really made it less sweet.'

Taking in a deep breath, I felt my confidence coming back to me. Turning my heel, I walked into the practice ground.

"I'm going to make her mine no matter how hard it takes." I muttered under my breath, smirking to myself not realising I had scared a few people off.


I ran all the way to the forest and immediately after taking one step into the forest, a bright light engulfed me and I was now in the middle of the forest, where the forest fairies had once brought me before. I blinked, looking around.

"Lily~" I hear the forest fairies calling to me as they flew over to me.

I smiled, tapping their heads lightly, "Sorry I'm late."

"Indeed you are. Making a king wait? How bold of you." I hear Kyrillos speak as he walked towards me.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm here now."

"Sweets." he commanded.

I sighed, nodding as I took out bags of sweets for them. "Here you go."

Kyrillos took some and shoved them into his mouth. "...It's good."

I smiled, pleased at the compliment, "Thank you."

"Lily makes good sweets~!" the fairies praised me as they continued eating more.

I laughed, "Thank you, I'm happy you all like my sweets."

Smiling warmly at them, I wiped the crumbs off one of the fairies' faces. The others noticed and quickly went up to me, pointing at their face.

"Lily~ Lily~ Crumbs here~"

I laughed even more, knowing what they wanted me to do. One by one, I wiped the crumbs off their tiny little faces before they went back to eating the sweets.

I heard a loud cough which gained my attention. Turning to the right, I looked at Kyrillos who had a lazy grin on his face. I noticed crumbs around his lips. I glanced at him with a judgemental look but he ignored it.

"Are you not going to wipe it off for me too?" he asked in a teasing tone.

I huffed before leaning closer to him and wiped the crumbs off with a napkin. "There. Happy?"

His grin grew wider before eating again, "Yup."

Once all the sweets were devoured by the fairies, I cleaned everything up and was about to leave soon as I didn't want Catherine worrying about me again.

"Who was that boy you were hugging?" Kyrillos asked, making me freeze on spot.


"You were hugging someone. Who was that?" he asked again.

"My...fiancé?" I awkwardly answered, unsure if I should have said friend instead.

He hummed, nodding. "So you have a fiancé."

"I guess..?"

"You guess?" he raised his eyebrow at me.

I fiddled with my fingers as I responded to him, "It's kinda complicated."

"Oh, but are you attracted to him?" Kyrillos asked, suddenly all interested in my love life.

I blinked before thinking over that question, "I don't know...Probably not?" I answered, unsure.

Nobody has ever asked me that before. Catherine only ever says we both are into each other but she never really asked.

Hearing my answer, Kyrillos smirked. "So can I court you?"

I was caught off guard by his sudden confession, "What?" I squeaked out in surprise and in an instant, I was in his arms as he leaned closer.

I quickly put my hands up to my face, blocking him from coming in closer to my face. "Wh-what are you doing!?"

"Hm just having some fun~" he sweetly responded but he still didn't let go of me.

"I'm not a toy to be played around. Let go of me." I said with no trance of me joking around.

Kyrillos stared at me before putting me back on the ground, "Fine."

I dusted my uniform off before asking him a question that has been on my mind, "How did you know I was with someone? We weren't near the forest."

He lied on the grass, letting his long hair flow everywhere before replying to my question, "I'm the forest king, I can oversee anywhere if there's nature."

I nodded, "That does make sense. Can you go outside the forest though?" I asked.

He nods, "Yes but I prefer not to, it's more comfortable here."

"I see."

"But," he got up from his back and smiled, "I'll leave the forest for you."

"Haha very funny." I said sarcastically before picking up my things. "I need to go now, if it's alright with you could you bring me back to the entrance?"

"I'm lazy." he replied, yawning but he snapped his fingers and brought us to the entrance of the forest.

I smiled, "Thanks. See you tomorrow." I waved and was about to leave when Kyrillos stopped me.

"I want to follow you."

I stared at him before giving him a weird look, "...What?"

In the end, Kyrillos followed me out of the forest. Nobody could see him except me but I told him I preferred if he was smaller so using his magic, he made himself small enough to sit on my shoulder.

"How long has it been since I last left the forest?" he mumbled to himself as he relaxed..

"Probably a few hundred years." he added on before laughing to himself.

"You're old, I should call you old man instead."

"What?! I am young! Look at my face and tell me I look old."

"Doesn't matter, you are still old."

"No I'm not!"

Kyrillos kept on scolding and complaining all the way until I reached the garden.

'He's more childish than Phillip...'

Placing him down on a flower, I spoke to him, "I have to leave you here since I will be going back to my dorm."

He stared at me with innocent childlike eyes, "Why can't I follow?"

I stared down at him, "Because you are an old man."

"I am not old! In fact I am the youngest fairy king!" he cockily said.

I rubbed the top of his head, stifling my laughter. He glared at me but didn't stop me from doing so.

"Doesn't matter, you are still old. Bye old man." I grinned, waving at him  as I headed back to the dorm.

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