Chapter 25: Forever and ever

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The next past weeks went on with no signs of Lucy but we kept our guard up. Everyone didn't let me go on my own, worried that something would happen when I'm alone.

"Why is he still following you?" Kyrillos asked, annoyed by Phillip's presence.

"I have to make sure nothing bad happens to her from that woman and you." Phillip answered calmly with a smile as he took a sip of the tea I had brought to the forest.

Kyrillos scoffed, crossing his legs, "What's wrong with me? I can take care of her better than you."

Phillip glanced up at him, sending him a look, "Thank you for your kindness but I am enough to be able to protect her."

"Hm...I don't think so. I'm way better."

"Haha what are you saying you forest king."

"..." I sat there, watching them passive aggressively fighting each other. I'm barely keeping my smile on my face.

'I might kill them.' I thought to myself, nearly breaking the tea cup handle.

"Lilyana who do you think is better?" Kyrillos asked, turning to me.

I blankly stared at the two idiotic men before replying, "Neither."

"You have to choose one!"

"Then Ralph."

"He wasn't even in this!"

"Yeah! And who is he?"

I sighed, pinching my nose bridge before throwing daggers at them, "Please just shut up. I do not want to deal with this every single time I come here."

"Then make him leave." Kyrillos pointed at Phillip.

He glared at Kyrillos, "Lily wouldn't do that."

"I will if you don't keep quiet and enjoy this tea time." I threaten making him seal his lips shut.

Kyrillos snickered at him, clearly amused. I turned to him and rolled my eyes. "I will leave if you don't do the same either."

He instantly shut his mouth and ate the sweets I had brought over. I sighed once more, appreciating the silence I was now getting. Not long after, Phillip and I left the forest.

"Don't bring him back here!" Kyrillos childishly said as he saw us off.

"Torturous." I muttered to myself but I knew I was going to come back there.


"What is it? I'm still annoyed by you just so you know." I pettily answered, turning to him.

Brushing my hair away from my face, his face drew closer.


"You still have crumbs around your mouth from the cookies. How unlady like of you." Phillip chuckled, brushing the crumbs off. He made eye contact with me and mischievously smiled.

"What? You thought I was going to kiss you? My, where is your little mind going to hm?"

"S..shut up." I stammered unconsciously.

"So I am right. I didn't think you, Lilyana Kimberleye would be thinking of such things like this." he continued teasing, holding my arm so I wouldn't escape.

I glared at Phillip, trying to calm my red cheeks. "If you don't shut up I'll-"

"You'll what?" he leaned in, "Kiss me to shut my mouth?"

In my mind, I snapped. 'This asshole!' I threw a punch into his abdomen, painful enough to release me but not enough to get an injury.

He yelped, releasing his hold. Falling to his knees, he held his abdomen tightly. "That was uncalled for!"

I stuck my tongue out before running off, "That was your fault!"

I ran off to my room, hoping Catherine was already back but as I reached my room, I noticed a slim figure waiting in front of my door. Paling in realisation who it was, I quickly turned back and tried to leave the dorm.

"Lady Lilyana?"

'Ah. I got caught.'

Turning back to Lucy, I put on a fake smile. "Hello Miss Pratt. What brings you here in front of my room door?"

She smiled back, "I haven't been able to see you anywhere so I was worried something happened to you. Please forgive me for my rude behaviour."

"If you understand what you're doing is rude please leave now. Thank you." I coldly said, waiting for her to leave.

"I was only worried, Lady Lilyana." she softly said, staring at me with puppy eyes.

I held back my disgusted expression. I loved the heroine but not this one. "Thank you for worrying however I am alright and I'm sure you have seen me plenty of times in class."

Lucy's face stiffened a bit, "Well.."

"Miss Pratt, I do not want to repeat myself. Please leave."

Suddenly a fist flew towards me, smashing into the wall beside me. Lucy's facade disappeared as her psychopathic eyes bore into mine.

"Don't run away from me Alice. I'm the only one who knows the real you. I know and understand you far better than those book characters." she whispered in my ear like a devil resting on my shoulder.

"I long for you more than him. I'm the only one who deserves you. I can take care of you. Forever." she continued on. I felt her hands feeling up my sides.

"Hey, what's your name?" I gently asked.

She looked back at me and smiled brightly, "It's Mable."

I smiled back at her before it dropped, "Mable. Fuck off."

I threw water daggers at her. Catching her off guard, she jumped back, allowing me to escape.

"I don't often swear but it will be exceptional to you. Bastard." I snarred before running off.

"You'll never escape from me Alice! You will understand why I'm doing this for you!" Lucy shouted, laughing.

'What the hell? Nobody hears this?!'

I flipped her off as I hurried off. "Come at me next time and I'll cut off your limbs!"

Not wanting to be caught by her, my feet took off to the boys' dorm. Knocking on Ralph's door, I hope he was in there.

"Lilyana? Why are you alone-"

"Let me in first, she's chasing after me." I cut him off hurriedly.

His eyes widened and quickly pushed me into his room and slammed his door shut. He turned to me, worried.

"Wasn't Phillip supposed to be with you?" he asked, locking his door for prevention.

I awkwardly laughed, "I ran away..."

He stared at me. I knew his eyes showed, 'Are you kidding me?' so I didn't want to look.

"Lilyana.." Ralph sighed.

"I know what you're going to say and I'm sorry but I had my reasons to run away.."

He continued staring at me. I could feel myself growing smaller under his gaze.

Guiltily, I mumbled, "I'm sorry.."

Ralph shook his head, adjusting his glasses, "What's done has been done. Is she still following you?"

"No, I don't think so, I ran off quickly."

"Okay that's good. Shall I go call the others over?"

I nodded, sitting down on the edge of his bed, "If you want to."

He heard towards his door, holding the doorknob, "Then I'll leave you here for a bit. You'll be safe here."

Ralph left his room, locking the door in the process leaving me alone in the room. Since he wasn't here, I lied down on his bed and sighed. Now that I was alone, Lucy's words crept back into my mind.

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