i :: i'm ready now .

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title: i'm ready now .
genre: drama, romance
- narumitsu -

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A/N: Lowkey angst! ⚠

"Miles, wait up!"

It was no use. Miles just shook his head and proceeded to the car of a scary old man wearing a scary and fancy blue suit and wavy frills on his neck. He's being taken away by that scary old man, Phoenix thought, sweating bullets. He'd been running after Miles, trying so hard to stop him, but to no avail. He's being taken away! I have...I have to get him back.

"Miles, where are you going?!" Phoenix screamed at what now looked like a shadowy figure of his friend, who looked as grim as ever. He rarely smiled, but this was different. He wouldn't even glance at Phoenix.

"Miles, look at me," Phoenix pleaded, falling onto his knees. "Look at me, Miles, look at me." He wanted to be strong for Miles, who was being forced to get in the car even though he clearly didn't want to, but he couldn't stop the tears from falling. All the things they've done together, all the smiles, the laughs, and the homeworks they crammed together - have they all come to this sad end?

"Please, don't go," Phoenix cried out. Miles glanced at him, but faced away immediately.

"Wright, it's no use," Miles answered coldly, dumping his stuff angrily in the car. "I need to go. Goodbye."

"Wait, you haven't answered my question yet!" Phoenix cried, his tears unable to stop like the rain pouring on him. "The question from the letter! Please answer before you go."

Miles didn't give him another glance before he entered the car, closing the door with a heavy heart.

•  °  •

Phoenix ran to Miles happily, clutching a piece of paper that was folded in half in his hand tightly. Miles was reading a law book from his father's library in their house, not yet even touching his food.

"This is what I made, Miles!" he said, shoving the paper onto Miles's hand. Miles closed the book and stared at the paper. It had exeptionally beautiful drawings of them and Larry doing the poses of the Signal Samurai. "Our guidance counselor told us to make something for our friends, a while ago, right? I just finished now! I made it just for you. I actually made another one in case I lost this one. Do you want it, too?" Phoenix continued, his face glowing with anticipation. He was eagerly waiting for Miles's reaction.

"What is this, Wright?" Miles asked as he opened the paper slowly, unsure of what he was expecting to see inside. Phoenix scratched his head sheepishly, his face turning a bright crimson. "I - I just said it, Miles," he said, smiling widely. "It's for you! How do you find it?"

Miles saw a sloppy writing of: Thank you for being my best freind who has sticked by me through grade scool! I bet you'll be a great defense attorney. You're so cool! I promice that I will treshure our freindship forever. I love you, Miles!

P.S. Even when we go diffrent ways, will you still be my freind?

Miles turned almost as red as the suit he was wearing as he read the message. Despite the incorrectly spelled words, the occasional incorrect grammar, and the illegible handwriting, the message made him smile. He didn't really know why, but he hid the smile from Phoenix. This made Phoenix's expression sadden as the glow of his grin faded away.

"So...will you still be my friend?" Phoenix asked, less confident and more intimidated by his coldness. Miles stuck the letter between the pages of his book and opened the book again. "It depends on what time will tell," he said, blatantly ignoring Phoenix's act of endearment. "What must matter to you is what we have now."

Phoenix nodded and saluted. "R-Right, Miles!" he said. "You haven't eaten yet, though."

Miles set aside the book and looked at his food. "I forgot," he said, gritting his teeth. "Thank you for reminding me, Wright."

"You're welcome!" he said, his face brightening up again. "And tell me when you're ready to answer my question, alright?"

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It was still raining. The car had dashed away already when Phoenix was able to stand up again.

Still, his knees were trembling. He felt cold from staying under the rain for too long. I stayed here for too long, he told himself, but I haven't stopped crying after all this time. I still need to save Miles, so I have to stop crying and go after the car!

In his pocket was the other letter he made in case he lost the first. He took it out and read it. It got drenched in the rain and his tears, making the drawings and the text unreadable. As he tightly held onto the letter, his determination suddenly went back to him. Finding Miles wasn't just a want for Phoenix; it was a necessity.

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"Nick? There's someone waiting outside for you."

Phoenix snapped out of his reverie and quickly slipped the letter in his backpack. Maya suspiciously looked at what he slipped in, but she let the matter go.

"Who is it?" Phoenix asked, wondering who could be visiting at that hour of the day. It was almost midnight, and the rain was pouring. It reminded him of the day Miles left, but he set the thought aside. He didn't want to regret not being able to save Miles anymore aftee fifteen years of doing so.

"I don't know," Maya said, looking out the window, "but their shiny red car hurts my eyes."

At the sound of shiny red car, Phoenix immediately dashed out of his office. There, he saw Miles leaning on his car in the rain, waiting.

"Edgeworth!" Phoenix said, shocked to see him. "What are you doing here at this time, in this weather?"

"I came to answer this," he said, taking out a piece of paper. It looked quite old, with rips here and there, yellow stains, and some holes. Immediately, Phoenix knew what he was holding.

"That's...!" Phoenix said, turning white. He staggered backwards in shock. "Y-You still have it!"

"Of course," Miles answered with a smirk, carefully folding it back in his pocket. He inhaled deeply and heaved a sigh. He looked anxious, jittery, and uneasy, but he managed to gather his confidence and smile. "I'm ready to answer now."

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A/N: Hey guys! This is my first time writing a one-shot, so please bear with me for having cliché plots. I'm still new to this writing thing. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you will enjoy my upcoming stories! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2020 ⏰

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