Crystals - Ashton

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I was too busy admiring this beautiful boy to realize he would crash right into me.

His friend cracked a joke, and he laughed with his mouth wide open, making it look so much bigger than it did a second ago. Long legs made him stagger rather than walk, along with the way he was clutching his stomach, almost in tears from all the laughter.

The smile vanished in my arms. His eyes were so blue, like crystals, but much prettier...

"Um, hi" He cleared his throat. I realized I had been gaping and gripping him all this while. Way to make a first impression, Ashton.

"Hey" I said, letting go of his arm and stepping to the side. Him and his tan friend to passed, the latter shoving me into the door, but maybe I thought he did because of the glare. Oh well, another great impression made. Good days. 

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