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Tae oppa and I seize the moment that we are together last Friday at their dorm and yesterday at Melon and now back to reality. 

It's already 8:00 am and I am almost done packing so I went out to check on Irene eonnie if she's done already.


"Eonnie?" I called her. I saw her rolling her clothes.

"Why? Are you already finish?" She looked at me and ask.

"Not yet but I am almost done." I said and so I sat down on her bed.

"Finish it already Sooyoung-ah then let's eat breakfast." Eonnie said. I then sigh and went back to my room to finish packing. 

After 15 minutes, finally I am done so I bring my luggage in the living room and I saw eonnie's luggage is already there so I decided to go to the kitchen to see what's the breakfast.

"Oh, let's eat now Sooyoung. Manager-nim will be here after 30 minutes." She said as she placed the 2 plate of kimchi fried rice with egg on the table.

I just stared at eonnie until she sit down. I'm just happy to have her as our leader since she very reliable. We started eating and as eonnie says, mananger-nim arrvied 30 minutes after but he's already with the cameraman so let the fun begin! 


We arrived at the house. I am really cautious now but I am still me since there's camera everywhere. We went in and saw Taeyeon eonnie talking to Krystal eonnie.

"Eonniedeul!!" I screamed and ran for a hug and Irene eonnie just followed me and hugged the eonniedeul.

"As expected, the girls will arrived first." Taeyeon eonnie said while slightly laughing.

"Since the girls are now complete, we are going to give you a mission." PDnim said.

"Eh?" Irene eonnie and Krystal eonnie said in unison that made them laugh.

"Kai, Suho, Baekhyun and Chanyeol will arrive later tonight since they have fan meeting today. So the mission is you will attend EXO's fan meeting." PDnim said.

"Okay..." Taeyeon eonnie responded.

"But you will need to pick here on which you should do once you see them." PDnim said and gave the box with papers. So we already picked and we opened it one-by-one.

Krystal eonnie: Make your partner say that he misses you.

Taeyeon eonnie: Make your partner say that you're pretty.

Irene eonnie: Make him kiss you on the cheek.

Mine: Make him hug you.

"Aish~" I heard Krystal eonnie said and brushed her hair in frustration.

It is an easy task for me since Chanyeol oppa really hugs me at times since we are really close and it is just a mission so I know Taehyung oppa will understand.

"Should we bring something else before we go there?" Taeyeon eonnie asked and we all agree so we are going to bring some foods for the oppadeul and some treats for EXO-Ls since of course they will see us there and we need to have to do the "girlfriend" things.

"Let's go to Lotte Mart to buy all the things that we need eonniedeul." I said.

On our way to the Lotte Mart the cameras are still on even if the PDnims and directors are on different vehicle.

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