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I saw Sowon dragged oppa inside and it just feels not right since the beginning. I really do not know why am I feeling. 

I peeped on the photo shoot and saw that they're having a group photo but Tae oppa and Sowon are partners in the group photo.

"Sooyoung-ah? Why are you still here?" Irene eonnie asked. 

I got shocked because I didn't notice her presence. Maybe because I'm just thinking too much?

"Eonnie, have you ever feel jealous?" I looked at her and asked.

"Of course." She said but suddenly stopped and faced me.

"Wait are you jealous??" She asked with quite a loud voice that catches the attention of the staff near us.

"Yah eonnie your voice!" I said and shushed her and she laugh.

"Who are you jealous with?" She asked excitingly. 

"Sowon... It is the first time I saw her with Tae oppa but the feeling is weird and I feel that she likes oppa." I said.

"Uhm, I think there's a right person to talk with that kind of matter. Let's go inside." She said and dragged me in.

We passed through the shooting space and I saw oppa is looking at me that's why I smiled at him and he smiled in return and nod but Sowon's expression got me. She's like looking at me with a smirk but I just didn't mind it.

"GIRLS TALK!" Joohyun eonnie said as soon as we entered the dressing room.

"What?" Suho oppa asked.

"Go out first." Taeyeon eonnie said. Of course they complained but does it anyways.

"Spill." Krystal eonnie said as we gather in circle.

"Sooyoung-ah go ahead." Joohyun eonnie said.

"I think I am jealous with Sowon and Tae oppa. Well, it's not like they are sweet together but the way Sowon look, talk and hold oppa feels so strange and earlier when we're on our way back here me and oppa smiled at each other but when I looked at Sowon she looks like she gave me a smirk but maybe it is not intentional." I said.

"OH MY GOSH! Girl's instinct are most of the time right Sooyoung-ah." Soojung eonnie said. I know she'll react this way because it is based on her experience. 

"Yah! Soojung-ah don't be like that." Taeyeon eonnie said.

"But it is true eonnie. I also got that instinct with Jennie and Jongin." Soojung eonnie said and it quite hits Taeyeon eonnie.

"I know Soojung-ah but let's be open to all the possibilities." She said. She somehow feels like a real older sister.

"Anyways, Sooyoung-ah! Do not let your guard down." She said and I nodded. I think it is not bad to be cautious at all.

"I will eonniedeul." I said and smiled at them. 

After the little talk, the oppadeul came in with the Bangtan. 

"We asked our manager and he said that since we finished late today, we will not have schedule tomorrow." Namjoon oppa said and I just smiled because the Sowon thing is still bothering me. 

"Sooyoung-ah." Tae oppa called me and I snapped out.

"Wae?" I asked.

"Is there something wrong?" He asked and put his hand on my waist. 

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