Brown eyes and Green eyes

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  It's been a whole week since I have been staying here at my cousin's mansion in Gravity falls. Most of my time I have been doing nothing but staying in my room and going on the Internet.

However, today I decided to practice my violin on a piece that I like very much called Adoration, Taking the violin out, I tuned it quietly and tightened my bow before starting at practicing the song.

Minutes later I jumped and was startled as Skylar and Alyssa barged in my room. Looking at me with their eyes narrowed.

"You still play the violin?" Alyssa asked while smirking. Skylar joined in the giggling and they both looked at me as if I was some stranger or one of their maids.

" So are you going to play a song for us or what?" Syklar snapped.

" No, I rather wouldn't." I replied.

My hands started to shake and sweat from being nervous, the adrenaline kicking in my blood system.

This isn't going to go well, I thought nervously to myself.

Skylar had a Cheshire cat grin crawling up her face before she suddenly walked towards me and tugged at my side fishtail, almost making me drop my violin.

" W-What was that for?!" I asked, fear could be heard in my tone.

" Look you may be our cousin but we run this house, you have no freedom and you have to obey with our rules." Alyssa growled, this time she ran up to me and shoved me harshly, I was able to stop myself from smacking against the wall.

"Stop it please!" I said in a quiet voice.

"Besides didn't your abusive drunkie of a father give that to you?" Skylar asked.

Father, the word pricked at my heart like thousands of needles were stabbed into me, My whole body shaking this time as I glanced at Alyssa and Skylar, my green and blue eyes starting to water up.

"You know nothing." I hissed.

"I know that your father shoved a gas mask that almost suffocated you, he was clearly intoxicated." Skylar said.

"H-How do you even know about that?"I asked, a tear threatening to come out.

"Your story was in the freaking news you twit. God no wonder why father left,  you and the rest of your family will ever be known as is being pathetic ." Alyssa said.

The words hurting my heart, I bit my lip so I could contain my whimpers. Then I felt Skylar's hand grabbing onto the grip of my violin, I gasped what she was doing.

"Why do you even have this? You should just throw it away-"

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" I screamed, then in seconds I did something I would of had never done...I smacked Skylar across the face.

Skylar gasped and held her hand where I smacked her, My tears running down my face as I shoved her and Alyssa away from me and sprinted out of my room.

I ran passed maids as I ran down the flights of stairs, ignoring Skylar and Alyssa shouting at me to come back.

As I made it to the front door, I could hear Aunt Rebecca shout at me.

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