A Crystal Heart

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( this was an art thing done for me which is actually for my other book ending with a nightmare )

Caramel POV

I yawned slightly as the final bell rang in the gift shop, finally it was time to go home.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow Dipper!" I exclaimed happily. Dipper blushed for a split second before smiling back at me and giving me a quick hug.

"O-Okay see you tomorrow!" Dipper stuttered. I waved out to Wendy and Soos as I walked out of the gift shop.

"Wait Caramel!" Dipper all of the sudden called out as I was walking through the parking lot. I turned around and titled my head a little bit yeah.

"Yeah what's up?" I asked. I noticed how Dipper was holding a little piece of paper and scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"I-I- Here's my phone number." Dipper said nervously, he held out the paper. My heart was beating like a drum.

"Oh my gosh-"

But then a group of teenage girls squealed, the both of us looked to see Michaela than two other girls. One looked around our age and had goggles on?.....while the other one had white blonde hair in the same hairdo I was wearing and looked extremely shocked but angry at the same time.

"GET IT DIPPER!" The girl with the goggles shouted, Michaela gave me the thumbs up.

"YOUR ONLY TWELVE DIPPER!" The blonde haired girl shouted. Dipper and I were blushing so much.

"Wait a minute how do you even know how name?" I called out to the girl with goggles and the blonde hair look alike me girl.

The three just looked at eachother for a minute before dashing off to the forest, Michaela slightly laughing as the blonde hair girl gave Dipper the death glare.

"What's your problem Tiff?" I could hear Michaela ask the blonde haired girl.

"Dude there only twelve! And besides that's my~...." The blonde girl started to say but her voice faded away quickly as the three teenagers ran in the forest.

"Well that was weird." I commented.

"Y-Y-Yeah...." Dipper stuttered, quickly he handed me the little piece of paper with his number and ran off.

"I'll see you tomorrow!" Dipper called out. I smiled before waving goodbye and walking back home.

The last of Sunlight lit the evening sky as I walked alone, my violin case softly bumping on my side. Sadly this walk will take longer since I have a cast. However, I didn't really mind it as thoughts of Dipper was in my mind.

I can't believe he actually have me his number!! No other boy has done that before....Could he like me?

As that thought came to my mind I couldn't help but feel something strange inside me, the feeling that I should be cautious, being followed..

"Just turn around already you idiot!" A voice boomed behind.

I gasped slightly as something poked me in my neck. My eyes widened realizing who it was. Irritation filled my body as I kept being poked in the back of my neck.

"Ouch will you quit that!" I snapped.

I turned and crossed my arms across my chest. Bill laughed his head off as he looked at me, making my anger boil in my body.

"So Gemstone, how's life? Heard you heard to go to the hospital. Hmmmm I wonder why?"

"I'm pretty sure you already know the reason Cypher." I hissed. The dream demon rolled his eyes.

"Not to mention Pinetree was worried sick about you, he even had a slight panic attack after hearing what happened to yo this morning-"

"Shut up! Stay away from me, you are torturing Dipper and I's minds and making me terrified to sleep. It's already bad enough that my cousins has my reputation as weird but because of you they think I'm a freak now!" I shouted.

"Oh but Gemstone...this is only just the beginning." Bill said in a dark tone, the images of the nightmare flashed in my mind, covering my ears as Bill laughed.

"Get....out of my head." I screamed.

Taking action I grabbed my violin case and swung it at Bill, successfully hitting the dream demon and making him hit his head on a tree.

I ran away from him as fast as I could. fear making my body shake. One serving the forest I started to panic as all of the sudden the forest caught on fire. My dad was standing in the middle of the dirt road, screaming angrily at me as he melted away.

Smoke started to surround me as I ran, hitting my nostrils and making me gasp for fresh air. Tears rolling down my face as I started to feel dizzy.

Will this ever end?

I frantically sprinted thorough the smoke, trying to find a clearing to the mansion. Suddenly I tripped on a tree root and fell down near a steep hill, I rolled down the hill and screamed as loud as I could.


Then I smacked my head against a rock, and let the darkness take me.


I fluttered my eyes open slowly, star slightly covering my eyesight as I tried to look around.

I groaned as my skull throbbed in pain, sitting up I was shocked to figure out where I was.

The area was darken but crystals we're everywhere making the area surrounding me glow. The crystals were all type of colors, pink, green, blue, purple, etc.

I was hesitant as I walked towards the crystals, making sure I didn't touch the light reflecting from the crystals since I knew I would shrink. Then the thought hit since I remembered Dipper telling me that.

Man I wish you were here Dipper...

My eyes scanned the areas surrounded in crystals. However, as I passed by a certain section of Crystals I noticed an object sticking out...in the shape of a heart.

I kneeled down and picked it up as I walked over to the heart shaped Crystal. Observing it I gasped quietly realizing something. The heart shaped Crystal was actually a box . I opened up quickly from curiosity. What I found made goosebumps rush through my whole body. It was the golden knife.

I found it......

I quickly looked around, making sure no one was here to see me before placing the box in my arms.

"I have to show this to Dipper tomorrow!" I whispered to myself.

Then I  ran out of there as fast as I could.

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