The calling

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Dipper POV

I woke up screaming, sitting up from my bed  I looked around, relieved that  I was  still in the attic with my sister who was sound asleep.

I took a few breaths as shivers went down my spine. The flash images of the nightmare surfaced in my kind as I tried going back to sleep...


My heart dropped thinking about her, how I saw her crying in fear, shaking all over the place , and holding on to me like it was the end..

"How was Caramel is my dream?" I whispered to myself, then my eyes began to droop and once again I went into a deep sleep....


Caramel POV

Its been two hours since I've woken up from the nightmare, I still couldn't go back to sleep.

"I need to get some water." I said to myself as I walked out of my room and down the stairs, my whole body still covered in a cold sweat.

But then the feeling that I was watched surfaced. Turning around I around but no one was there, giving me the chills

I ran down the stairs as fast as I can, not caring if my cousins could hear me. I kept turning around to see if anyone was there but there wasn't.

When I quickly made it to the main floor I walked over to the kitchen.....but something was wrong.

  All the dishes were crushed and broken on the floor, all the cabinets were opened. And the windows were smashed into pieces.

" W-What happened here?" I whispered, the breeze  from the window made the kitchen feel cold.

All of the sudden I felt something tap me on the head. I yet out a quiet gasp as I turned around, seeing Bill cypher floating right behind me.

His eyes narrowed as I looked at him, he let out a laugh before poking me again on the head using his cane.

" Will you quit that!" I snapped. I rubbed my arm nervously as he began to laugh again.

" Did you have a good dream Gemstone?" bill asked in a jokingly way.

" W-Why are you creating nightmares in my head? Why was Dipper there and why am I valuable to you?" I asked.

Bill stopped laughing before looking at me , his eye slightly changed to the color of red. In a rampage he started to break more dishes.

" Well Gemstone,  your making a terrible mistake by being around Pinetree, He also is valuable but too much of a threat towards two can't be near eachother." Bill said, his voice turning more demented and low.

I started to get anxious, I was told that I was going to die, but for Bill to tell me to stay away from Dipper Was something I wasn't expecting.

But how does he know I'm going to die?

" because I know lots of things." Bill replied, his voice completely darkened and deep.

The room started to be consume by darkness, Bill turned to me, his skin turning completely red as he started to throw dishes at me.

I tried dodging the plates but I wasn't as fast paced as I would be if it wasn't for my stupid cast, one dish smacked into my nose and crushed into pieces, cutting my cheek  and making blood drip down my face as my nose started to bleed moments later.

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