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What's the thing that
Makes people happy?
Is the jewels
The shiny diamonds
The expensive rubies?
Does it makes you smile wide
The way you did when
You were just a child
And you heard drops of rain
And dashed out of the door
To get soaked
To dance crazily
With your buddies?
Do you still do that now?
Or are you caged in the
Rules of society
Like I am
Like we all our
Or that just doesn't stop you
And you still do that,
You still let yourself
Get lose in those
Getting lost in that rhythm
Is what makes you heart
Truly happy .

Its amazing to do that
To get on the streets
and celebrate your happiness
The way you want
Or cry as the water
Dissolves with your tears
Do whatever want
Without the judgment in eyes
Of the souls
That are as much troubled as us
But still caged
Caged under the bars
That's locked
And so are they
In the
Of hope
Hope of being free one day
To break free of the chains
That are around their soul .

So get out of your head
And do whatever you want
Make your dreams happen
And enjoy the moments
That life gives you
Before they are gone forever!

~ Rachana Prasad

Please keep showering your love and support!

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