It was all a Dream

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Kairi woke up with a big breath as if he had just come from under water.

He was sobbing hard he could barely breathe.

He looked to his left to see Mattia sleeping next to him.

"No no no no what the fuck...I-I should be dead why am I not dead?" He muttered to himself.

"Kai are you ok?" Mattia was now awake after hearing Kairi muttering.

"I should be dead Matti why am I not dead?" He asked. He began to repeat it over and over asking his best friend why wasn't he dead.

"I-I was supposed to die so I could be with my family." He said.

Mattia pulled the small one into his lap and held him tightly.

"Kairi your family isn't dead bubba. Your sister is in Japan with your grandma for the winter break, your mom is at work and your dad is downstairs." Mattia tried his best to keep calm but he was confused and scared as to why Kairi wanted to die.

"That's not true your parents are dead, Maiya is dead. My dad abused me I know that wasn't a dream Mattia." He argued.

"Kairi What the hell are you talking about that never happened." Mattia said.

"But it had to have happened family is dead Mattia the memories I-I...their real." Kairi sounded unsure of himself as he tried to remember when he was younger but all that came to mind was happy memories.

"Kairi it was a dream." Mattia told him.

Kairi let his tears fall, he was relieved that it was all fake but he still didn't understand how it seemed so real.

"Do you want to call your mom?" Mattia asks. Kairi agreed and watches as Mattia grabs his phone from the nightstand and dials his mother's number.

He patiently waited for a few seconds until Mattia handed him the phone once she picked up.

"Hey baby what's wrong?" She asks just being a concerned mother.

"M-mom...?" He asks. He knew it was her but hearing her voice it seemed so foreign.

"Yes Kairi what's wrong you sound like you've been crying. Are you ok? Do I need to come home?"

"No I just had a really bad dream and in the dream Maiya died and you became distant and depressed and one day you dropped me off at home with a last ' I love you' and you drove your car off the I thought I was real." He explained.

"Oh baby I-I don't know what to say...except that I would never ever leave you no matter how hard it gets." She says.

"I love you mom." He tells her and she returns it.

"Well listen I have to get back to work but I'll see you later ok." Kairi handed the phone to Mattia.

Mattia spoke with Kairi's mom for a few minutes telling him to keep an eye on her son until she's home.

Once he hung up he held Kairi again and didn't let go.

"I'm here Kairi...always."

If there was one thing that was real about the dream it was what Mattia said.

He's here and Kairi felt safe knowing that he was.

This is short. But someone asked for a part 2 where he realized it was just a dream.

This was booty😭. I had no idea of to go about the situation since he had memories of their deaths and his dads abuse so I didn't know how to make it seem like it was just a dream but I tried my best🙂.

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