Chapter Four: Satan's Sacrament

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          The sun began to set on the desert horizon. As the lead guard and four others created a single entrance using their vehicles to ensure that after the motorcade went in, no one was coming out, the five S.U.V.s and one twenty-six foot moving truck all painted in black drove into the "funnel". Each vehicle including the moving truck contained six people and it was no coincidence that tonight is June sixth. The "entrance" quickly closed locking everyone in. As everyone got out of their vehicles simultaneously, nothing but black cloaks with red satin trim walked towards the stairs. A huge emblem inverted pentagram with interlocking horns that protruded from the right and left star points adorned the back of the cloak with a smaller mirror image over the heart if they had one. The back of the moving truck was opened and as eight cultists took hold of the six feet tall, six feet wide and six feet long altar with a sculpted head of Satan loomed over it a single figure dressed in a silk white cloak bound with handcuffs and ankle shackles was escorted out of the vehicle with a cultist on each of her arms. They had a tight firm grip to ensure that she could not make an attempt to escape her captors. The occasional light breeze of wind that brushed the fabric against her were the only signs that the person was female and young between eighteen and twenty years old. Trina recognized her from this morning who woke Trina which caused a splashed while Aiyoku couldn't help but laugh at the embarrassing event. She recalled the deep orgasm induced slumber. She had never gotten that much needed rest in a very long time. Though now, while Trina gazed at the doomed girl making her way to the cavern and her final resting place, She felt a deep sorrowful remorse for the poor girl. She would never enjoy her first love, the joys of being a parent or any other experience in life that most other people would have the option of throughout their lives. They lead her into the newly dug path to the gate that was now completely exposed to the elements. A team of six heavily armed bodyguards blocked any and all entrances or exits. The red oak table was slowly lowered onto the loose desert sand with the use of heavy industrial ropes. After the altar was in place, her escorts removed the handcuffs and her robe exposing her milky white skin. Her deep blue eyes seemed to glow with a slight Ray of hope that somehow she would be saved from this fiendish nightmare that had been forced upon her. They helped her up onto the altar where she would live out the last moments of her life. Trina couldn't help but to think how someone like her even found herself in a hellish situation like this. More and more regrets shrouded her soul in darkness, despair and misery.

          A series of grooves carved in the table would allow her blood to be collected into an onyx and ruby chalice that was held in place by a carved in cup holder just slightly lower than the altar top. The cold wood and deep grooves stung her skin. The smell of the oak wood did little to provide her comfort and serenity. She kept her eyes open and fixed on the freshly polished and sharpened dagger. The cold steel blade shimmered in the pale moon light as it was brought down in a opened black wooden box with a deep red felt pillow. The cultists began chanting as the dagger was removed from the box and lifted into the air. The hilt was a fiery red color with onyx spirals wrapping around it and a small demonic head at the end. The Ruby eyes gave the appearance that the head was grinning at the woman's hopeless situation.when the feeling of tranquility was replaced by her tear filled muffled screams when the cold sharp dagger began slicing her abdomen open and cutting into the muscles. The blade sliced up her stomach and rib cage, over her left breast and ending at her collar bone she then sliced diagonally down to her sternum in an A shape. She made an exact mirror image on the woman's right side using the same starting point and stopping again on the sternum creating the inverted pentagram. Just as she started the left side of the circle at the lower waist, her head violently exploded spraying blood, brain matter and skin tissue over the other cultists. The knife stabbed the cool desert sand and the chanting instantly stopped.

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