Chapter Nine: Survivors

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          The island of Japan was another testament to Satan's wrath which he had laid waste to after the countries government and the Yakuza refused to give up control to a single entity even if that entity was Satan himself. The beach was decimated. Trees were ripped out of the ground and torn asunder. The sand had been washed away by the monstrous waves that had torn through the area that had followed something large and likely ferocious. No matter how bad the destruction, She knew that Satan wouldn't wipe an entire island because there would be no one to rule outside of Hell's Gate anyway. He wanted to make sure that the people who did manage to survive wanted his help forcing them under his control. She soared over the charred remains of Tokyo, Okinawa, and Hiroshima. She made her way to the west side of the island. She flew over the beach and noticed several strange bamboo poles formed in different arrangements that could have only been made by the hands of humans. She circled around for another pass to get a closer look. She saw a few handmade huts made from bamboo poles and rope that from the height she was at appeared to be a tangle of undergrowth. She took another pass just above the tree tops and noticed odd looking foliage that although appeared to be part of the forest floor just beyond the beach, but appeared raised and slightly off set from the rest of the ground. She flew in for a closer look. Just as a women came out of the hut, Draonai perched herself on a limb but after a few seconds, it gave way from underneath her. She was unable to recover and crashed onto the forest floor. It had become obvious she needed to pay more attention to the limbs she was landing on. The woman was forty feet away when she saw the screens for the windows were made from high test fishing lines while the windows them selves were made from soda bottles cut vertically with the tops and bottoms removed and stretched horizontally. They were layered on top of one another fitted into bamboo frames that had slots cut into them with hand made tools. They were able to raise and lower the windows as needed and kept the screens secure to the outside frame. Thick wood planks were nailed to the bamboo to hold the makeshift windows in place. Some were finished while others were in different stages of construction. It seemed as though through all the wars and other attacks, the mountain side residents found a way to build a safe haven without being ransacked. These represented shimmers of hope among the dark despair that had consumed the Earth.

          She didn't want to scare the residents so she took to the skies again. She was hoping that by flying at higher altitudes, it would have made it more difficult for the locals to spot a giant ominous dragon. Before should get back to her original altitude, bullets were bouncing off of her. It seemed the underbrush was meant to conceal weapons to ward off anyone or anything trying to assault the mountain from the air. She surveyed the land looking for a secluded spot to revert her form and start searching for the people that opened fire on her. She knew she would be scrutinized for her appearance and possibly even attacked on sight without a second thought again. After all she looked the part of a Satanic follower.  However, she was determined to rebuild the countries that had suffered from Satan's wrath. It was her responsibility to clean up what she had unleashed and blamed herself for the destruction and heartache that had brought to Earth. Draonai landed in the wasteland of Gotemba located to the East of Mt. Fuji. She began focusing on her previous form and the reverse process of her transformation began to occur. It was long and agonizing but soon she returned to her hot and sexy succubus self. She took flight again and headed back towards the beach. As she got closer, she noticed demons scouting the area. Satan was either way ahead of her or he was just trying to rally the remnant of people to his new economy and enslave the remaining population. She couldn't make a move against them as Satan would instantly know which set of demons were killed and bring vengeance onto these people who were just beginning the rebuilding process. On the other hand, if she remains hidden, the village will have a leash and collar attached to it twenty-four/seven/three sixty five. Her dragon form took hold almost instantly. 

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