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It was all ending, so soon, too soon.

Would I get to say goodbye when the time comes?


When you woke up the next morning, you found yourself not willing to move. You felt so tired, and all you wanted to do was go back to sleep.

However, you pushed yourself to stand, gasping when your legs gave out and you crumpled to the floor, coughing uncontrollably. Tears filled your vision, and you felt the inside of your throat being torn open by thorns. 

Stumbling, you let flowers fall from your lips and land on the floor. Painfully, you made your way to the bathroom from where you fell over, flowers, thorns and blood alike flowing from your mouth. 

Unlike most students, you stayed in a small apartment near the school. Only the Bakusqaud plus Midoriya and Uraraka knew where you lived, and you preferred that it stay that way. On the days you missed out due to sickness, the Bakusqaud would come over and tell you what you missed and give you the homework. 

You found it so hard to stand, and so hard to keep awake.

"Hah.." hunched over the white porcelain bowl, you watched the water ripple as your tears dripped into it.  

"I guess it's time, huh?"

You had lied.

You weren't going to make it to the training session later that day with Todoroki. 

"Just when we began to talk again, too." 

Guess you weren't going to see him later.

Would things have changed if you mustered up the courage to confess?

Black dotted the edges of your vision, and you smiled softly before hitting the floor with a quiet thump, no longer moving. Your [h/c] hair was spread out on either sides of your pale face, and the ones that lingered on your face slowly slid off.

But you would get to see your parents now, right?

"Ne, [y/n] hasn't come to class today, right?" questioned Mina at the end of the day, and she placed sheets of paper onto a desk in the center of the Bakusqaud. "We should bring her homework to her." 

"Why the fuck would we do that?" scoffed Bakugo, his crimson orbs narrowing. "The bitch lied to us-"

"Yeah, but she's still our friend, right?" questioned Kirishima, popping his head in between Sero and Kaminari, easing into the conversation. 

"Yeah, my bro is right," spoke Sero, elbowing Kirishima. The two of them highfived, and Kaminari proceeded to pout until he got his high five as well.

"Whatever, you fuckers can go." muttered Bakugo, shoving his hands into his pockets and scooting out of his seat, pushing the chair back extremely violently. "I'm not."

"But-" spoke Mina, and Bakugo ignored her, shoving her out of the way as he stalked out of the room and into the hallway, soon disappearing as he made his way home.

"Alright, guess it's just the four of us," shrugged Mina, and the three boys nodded. They made their way out of UA, with your homework clutched tightly in Mina's hand.

They just didn't know what they would find at your apartment.

"Knock knock, [y/n], ya in there?" sung Mina as she pounded on your door, the three boys standing behind her. When you didn't answer right away, which you usually did, they all knew something was wrong.

They didn't hear Recovery Girl say how long you had to live.

"[y/n]?" asked Mina, moving out of the way as Sero walked forwards, pushing the door open.

"It's unlocked," spoke Kirishima, and the students made their way into your apartment, looking in every nook and crevice for a mop of [h/c].

But they didn't find anything.

"Please tell me that's just dried ketchup," breathed Kaminari, and the other three rushed over to where he was; the bedroom that was connected to the bathroom. Black, gold and red pupils dilated at the sight of the reddish brown liquid on the ground, and Mina took a trembling step forwards to where Kaminari stood, frozen.

"Hey, Kaminari.." she spoke, bending down and running a finger over the dried material. Raising it to her nose, Mina began to shake after inhaling. "I don't think this is ketchup."

"Then tell me it's just dried chili sauc-" Sero placed a hand on his shoulder, and their gazes all followed the trail of flowers and blood to where they stopped; the bathroom.

They placed the homework papers on your bed, which they also noticed had the same stains. To their horror, there was a bucket full of petals beside your bed. It took all their willpower to look away, walking to the bathroom with the closed door. 

"On the count of three," said Kirishima slowly. "Three, two.."


They all pushed open the door to the bathroom. Mina clasped a hand over her mouth, eyes wide with horror. Kaminari looked up, pupils dilating at the sight. Sero leaned on the doorframe, and Kirishima looked utterly terrified.

For you laid there, on a blood and petal covered floor, next to a toilet that was stained red. 

So much red.


𝐒𝐄𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 ➪ 𝐬. 𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐢Where stories live. Discover now