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It's finally over, huh?

This is it, this is the end of the road, for me. 


Everyone that went to or worked at UA went to your funeral.

You body was lowered into a coffin, and then into the cold ground.

"Today we are here, to remember and honor the memory of one of our wonderful students, [y/n]  [l/n]. She led a good life-" principal Nezu was at the pedestal, speaking off a piece of paper he held up.

Led a good life, not lived.

"She made happy memories for many of us here,"

But also sad ones.

"And she will always be remembered. Before I let you all mourn, we will have her closest friends speak." the small mouse hopped off the pedestal, and the entire Bakusqaud rose out of their seats, striding up to where Nezu held up the microphone. 

"[y/n] was the best person I've met.." began Mina, tears welling up and sliding down her cheeks. "She put her friends first, always. Always before herself. Foolish, yes, but also selfless. That's what made [y/n], [y/n]." Mina handed the mic to Sero.

"We took that for granted. We didn't see her suffering-" he cut off, wiping at his eyes. "If we did, this wouldn't be happening!" the mic was then passed to Kirishima, who looked ready to burst into tears.

"She was manly, probably even more so than me." he began, mouth quivering. "But, that's what we loved about her. She was strong, so very strong." next, the mic went to Kaminari.

"She was an awesome person, you know! She doesn't d-deserve this, any of this," he said, sniffling as tears ran down his face. "If she was still here, I bet she would say something along the lines of 'stop being so silly, I'm fine!' but she isn't, and she n-never will be!" Kaminari shakily passed the mic to Bakugo, who took it angrily.

"Fuck you." he spoke, and directed his burning gaze at Todoroki. Even he looked ready to slip a tear. "[y/n] would still be here if it wasn't for you!" 

No one knew.

Except him.

Who knew it would be the ticking bomb to see through you?

"With that over with, we have discovered a short letter at [y/n]'s apartment. Mina, if you will do the honors," Nezu spoke once more, and passed her a slip of crumpled paper he fished out of his pocket.

She cleared her throat, and began with a shaky voice.

Hey, there, if this is being read, I'm probably 6 feet into the ground, am I right? Actually, haha, please don't answer that. I don't need to know.

Anyways, I'm sure half of you people here don't even know me, a regular girl. 

I don't care.

This is meant for one person, and none of you will understand the meaning behind this. 

Actually, maybe even that one person won't know, since it's been so long since we've had a heart to heart talk. I don't even know how they at anymore, nor their hobbies.

It's like talking to an ice wall, nowadays.

I miss talking to you.

Ya know, you were always so kind, so warm. But you had a side, which made me want to hide. You were unpredictable at times, but I always managed to see through you.

You were a wild card.

No one could tame you, no one could control you, because you would burn and tear through them all until you reach your goal. 

I loved that about you.

Your determination.

No matter what, you never gave up. You kept pushing forwards, hoping to make it through the dark tunnel that was laid out for you.

And you know?

Even if you don't believe it, even if you can't see it, you've made it through. 

It's just dark inside. Even though it still seems dark, you just need to wait for someone to come and light it up for you.

Once upon a time, I've wished that I was that person.

But now, I can see I am not. 

Go find that light.

Go, and spread your wings.

You are no longer bound, you know? Those shackles were broken long ago. They no longer hold you down. You can fly as you wish now, without any restraint.

It just took time for you to realize that.

Well, now you know, right? 

Go, fly.

Fly free, my little fire bird.

Spread your burning wings, and fly, far, far, away, where you can see your goal.

It's actually much closer than it seems.

Do not let anyone douse your wings.

Keep them burning strong.

I once promised to reach that goal with you, to soar through the sky until we reach it together.

I'm sorry I didn't go with you.

I'm sorry I can't go with you.

You'll be fine on your own, though, I know it. I can feel it. 

You're much stronger than you believe. 

Good luck, and I hope you can find your light. Once you do, don't let anyone take them away. 

I will see you later.

Your friend,

[y/n] [l/n] 

"That's all there i-is," stuttered Mina, wiping her tears. The rest of the Bakusqaud had sat down a some point, crying to themselves softly, except Bakugo, who looked angry. "There's nothing else." 

"Those of you who wish to stay and mourn, please do, and those who wish to leave, you may." 

With that, your funeral was complete.

And only five people stayed to mourn. 

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