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Kix woke up with a terrible headache. He looked at the room he was in. It was a strange place, it wasn't a separatist ship, but it wasn't from the Republic, either. He tried to get up, but his whole body ached. He closed his eyes again and concentrated on his last memories. He remembered how the security droids deactivated the shield that was holding him and took him somewhere, but he couldn't remember where.

What Kix did not know yet, was that those memories were from over fifty years ago. Kix did not know that the Republic had fallen and with it, all his brothers. He didn't know he was the last Jango Fett clone alive.

So he made another effort to get up. Whoever had rescued him should immediately take him to Coruscant, so that he could tell the Jedi what he had discovered. He managed to get up, but his legs failed him and he fell to the ground. The blow alerted the crew and a Gabdorin and a Twi'lek entered the room. The Twi'lek quickly approached Kix, helping him sit up on the bed.

- You shouldn't move, you still haven't recovered from the  stasis. - Kix looked at her with a frown.- Stasis? Did they... Cryogenize me? - The Twi'lek nodded slightly. Panic invaded Kix's mind. He had no idea how much time he spent on the Separatist ship and had no information about the Republic or the War in all that time. - The Republic... - Kix said slowly. The Gabdorin snorted.

- Gone. The Republic you served is gone. - The Gabdorin explained. Kix covered his face with both hands and closed his eyes tight. - The Jedi betrayed the Republic, so the clones received direct orders from the Chancellor to kill them. He...- The Gabdorin fell silent when the Twi'lek hit him in the arm. She sat next to Kix and put her hand on his back.

- I'm very sorry... when we took you out of the cryogenesis tank, you said that we had to take you to the Jedi because you had information that could save the Republic. - The Twi'lek sighed. - I'm sorry you couldn't reach them on time.

Kix had never felt that way. The sadness, the rage, the guilt... everything accumulated in his heart, causing unbearable pressure and pain. He did not hold back tears and for the first time in his life, he did not try to comfort himself. He deserved that pain. He deserved to be in that situation, for not being able to save the Republic. For not being able to save his brothers.

The Babdorin was the first to leave, and after a while the Twi'lek left him alone. Alone... he had never felt alone before. He had always had his brothers by his side, in the good, in the bad. Always.

He removed his hands from his face and in front of him could see his face reflected in the glass of the window.

- That face... I saw that face all the time- He tried to get up again. -Everywhere... I lived surrounded by that face. - He slowly approached the glass and fell back to the ground right in front of it. - And I'll never see it again... - He raised his knees and pressed them to his chest, wrapping his arms around them and resting his forehead on his knees. - Because of me... everyone is dead...

A few days passed and Captain Sidon Ithano asked Kix to join his crew. He told him that it was best for him to start from scratch. Kix knew it and accepted his offer, but he wasn't happy. Every day he remembered that he was the reason for the fall of the Republic. He convinced himself of it and nobody was going to make him change his mind. Guilt ate at him, sadness crushed him. He was never happy. He was not until the day of his death, when he was finally reunited with his brothers in the afterlife.

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