Chapter 2

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We eventually got there after a few hours and then I realised where I was going. "Wtf j please tell me this is a joke this can't be the sway house can it really? Is this where we're living now or what?" "Yeah liv it is this is our home and you've met most of the boys so it shouldn't be much of a problem. Whatever you do you're not allowed a boyfriend yet!" "Ffs j  I get you're my big bro and all but come on what if one of them is really cute and he likes me back?" Jaden was always protective of me only because he cared and he knew I'd been hurt badly by boys in the past and that didn't end well at all but that's the past and these boys seem to be really no if they're all like Jaden. "Okay fine you can but I don't want any funny business going down, do you understand!" "Yeah I understand perfectly fine dude chill"

We walked up to the door and Bryce answered the door "Bryce babes I missed you so much I can't believe I'm living here now!" "OMG liv hey girl I'm actually so excited. The only girl we've ever had in here staying with us is kio's girlfriend. But having a girl living with us all the time is gonna be fucking awesome!" I let go of Bryce and went to help Jaden with all the boxes bringing them in the house and shit. Once we'd done that I grabbed my skateboard and went to explore.

A/N sorry this ones kinda short there will be more included in the next chapter xoxo

Jaden Hossler's younger sisterWhere stories live. Discover now