Chapter 1

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"Olivia wake up its time to go, it's moving day!" I woke up to my brother shouting at me to wake up. I was sleeping on an air mattress because we had to pack all the furniture in boxes last night  so they were by the front door ready to go to the new house. Jaden hadn't told me where we were going but he said it was going to be fun. "Ok I'm up now thanks to you" I got out of bed and got changed and then packed everything up. My room was completely empty.

I went downstairs with all my things and made jaden and I some breakfast. It was just us two who lived in the house. Our mom died when I was little and we don't know who our dad is because he ran away when I was born so Jaden has looked after me for 15 years and it's been amazing. My brother is my bestfriend and nothing will ever change that.

"JADEN FOODS READY!" He pelted downstairs and I thought he was gonna die the way he jumped off the railings. "Jesus Christ it's not like there's no food left like ever calm down J you don't need to run" "Sorry I was just really really hungry. Packing got me going crazy come help and I'll help you if you need it I'm sure you don't though because your room is fucking empty. Mines still a mess!" "That's because I'm a girl J and I know how to pack things properly and neatly and you definitely don't."

After we ate breakfast we went upstairs to Jaden's room and holy fuck it was messy. "What the fuck?! What did you do set a bomb off?" " Maybe I don't know just help me please" "ok ok I will don't worry right start by picking all your clothes up and putting them in the hallway give me your suitcases and I'll pack them all up whilst you organise what you do and don't need anything you don't need put on the balcony anything you do put in one big box and I'll sort it out." "On sounds easy enough." "I'll be right back I'm just going to give the house a wick clean"

-2 hours later-

"Ok I'm done!" "Coming J" I went back upstairs and I folded all his clothes and threw away the ones that had holes in and kept the ones that didn't fit him anymore. The removal vans came so I went and helped them put the things in the back fo the truck, gave them the address and they went to the new house. I went back upstairs and carried on folding,throwing and keeping. I was finally done and I could go and put the suitcases in the back of the car.

By the time I packed everything up in the car and went back upstairs to see how Jaden was doing he'd finished so I put the rest of the stuff in the boot and back of the car we grabbed our dog and drove over to our grandparents house they were going to keep the dog whilst we were away and we would come back to visit. We still kept the house in case of any emergencies and we needed to go back but everything else was either on its way or packed in the car.

We drove all the way to the new house with the front roof down and music blasting out. We stopped at the Starbucks and got some iced coffee for the way we had like 12 of them to keep us going.

Jaden Hossler's younger sisterWhere stories live. Discover now