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Ruby has none coz we can at least keep her innocent to this stuff.


Weiss won't give you the opportunity to try anything saying the sex is fine as it is.


"Oof!" Blake shoves you back onto the bed, you feel the heat rush up to your cheeks as she straddles your lap. "Uh Blake, w-what brought this on?" you asked as she reaches up to untie the ribbon covering her ears. "I just read a really good book recently and wanted to recreate the scene" this both worried and intrigued you as she reads a lot of books so what she wants could literally be anything. "w-what happened?" she gently grabs your wrists and puts them together and brings them towards her chest, before holding them both in one hand and begins tying them together with her ribbon. In a sultry voice she says, "the protagonist ties their partner to the bed, their wrists above their head and connected to the headboard" She performs the actions as she's describing them to you, drifting feather light touches on your neck and cheeks as she does. "The words used to describe how they touched their partner, their reactions and how they brought them endless pleasure made me want to see it for myself" You felt your blush travel from your cheeks down to your neck and chest. Every word Blake uttered made the flame of desire burn brighter until you were almost begging to be touched. Blake started stripping you of your clothes agonisingly slow until you were completely nude and squirming under her lustful gaze. She started at your stomach, tracing random swirls and patterns across your skin making you squirm even more, to her delight. Blake loved seeing your reactions to the lightest of touches she was giving you and couldn't wait for the faces you would make as she brought you to your climax.


You were stunned. you couldn't believe how many she had. how was she even able to his all of these from her team, Especially Ruby with her curious nature. "Are there any in particular you want to try?" You looked from the assortment of toys splayed out on Yangs bed up at Yang and gulped as you were still struggling to comprehend the number of toys she had, but soon snapped out of it "well, is there anything that you want to try? I can tell by that look on your face you have something in mind" Yang smirked as she picked up the rope "Blake has been showing me some books with some rather interesting bondage scenes, and even showed me how to do it. We could try that but only if you want to, you won't be able to move once it's on" you thought about it for a moment before giving her a firm yes. You also had an interest in bondage, and it wouldn't hurt to try. You proceeded to strip naked, as per Yangs request, before she started tying the rope. The style of bondage Blake had taught Yang was called a box tie on my arms and frogtie on my legs. She made sure that the rope wasn't too tight so I was comfortable, but not too loose that I could get out. "Is this, okay? not too tight?" she asked positioning me, so I was sat on the floor in front of her, checking to make sure the rope wasn't digging into my skin. "I'm okay. this is actually pretty exciting. I think I can handle anything you throw at me" the atmosphere in the room suddenly changed and so did the expression on Yangs face. It turned from a small, mischievous smirk so a lustful sadistic grin. "Well, if that's what you want, then how about we try this?" she reached over to the bed and picked up something, she turned and revealed to you that she had picked out a black blindfold and a, rather large, dildo that can be stood on the floor. "What do you say (y/n)? shall we kick things up a notch?"


"a-aah~! (y/n)!" hearing Noras cries of ecstasy just spurred you on and made you want to bring her to even greater heights of pleasure. You flipped her over onto her stomach and pulled her ass in the air with her face buried in the pillows. In the spur of the moment, you raised your hand up to your ear and brought it down hard, slapping Noras ass. Her cry of pain mixed with pleasure both surprised and aroused you. she turned her head to look at you, a deep blush painted her cheeks, her eyes were teary, and she was panting " it again~" she moaned. That one sentence lit a whole new fire inside you and you were more than happy to oblige with her request. You spanked her until her ass was a glowing red and her eyes rolled into the back of her head in desire. She actually ended up getting off on being spanked.

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