You Wear Her Clothes

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You were sat in your dorm waiting for Ruby to get out of the shower. Yoir teammates were out trainung or doing outdoorsy activities. It was pretty cold in your room so you put on Rubys cape, hoping she wouldn't mind. She walked out of the shower, stopping in her tracks when she saw you wrapped up in her cape. "(Y/n) you cooool!" She exclaimed happily. "You should totally get a cape! You look so cool! And we'd match!" She continued to act excited before finally calming down and snugglibg with you, wrapped up in her cape.

You'd always wondered how Weiss can fight in that dress of hers, and those heels. So you decided to try it on while she was out. You snuck into her dorm and put on the dress. You were admiring yourself in the mirror when the door opened, and there stood your girlfriend, looking confused but blushing. "H-hey Weiss...sorry about this...are you mad?" You didn't even need to wait for an answer. "Of course I'm not mad! I just know now that I need to buy you some combat skirts" she says before kissing your cheek.

You and Blake were getting ready for a Halloween party. you decided to go as each other, so you switched outfits. you were just finishing getting changed, pulling her shorts up your thighs, when you noticed Blake staring at you, a dark crimson dusted her cheeks. "Blake? are you okay? we won't go if you're not feeling well" she shook her head. "no, I'm fine. you just...look really good in my clothes" your mouth drops open, but is quickly replaced by a smirk. "do you know that I'm wearing your new black lace underwear too?" her eyes widen "you are?!" you chuckle and wink at her. "if you behave, maybe you'll find out later" you start walking out the door with a blushing stuttering Blake in tow.

You were waiting for Yang in her room. You both had a free class on a Tuesday. you noticed her combat clothes were just thrown on the floor ready to be washed. you felt a little cheeky so you decided to send a photo to Yang in just your panties and her jacket. you stripped down, put her jacket on, making sure to cover your nips but still showing a little breast, sat on her bed and snapped the picture, sending it off with a message saying 'ready and waiting for you blondey'. not long after did you get a reply. 'you better not expect me to be gentle!'. Teehee, now to get dressed and enjoy the disappointment on Yangs face. is what you wanted to happen. but instead Yang burst through the door and tackled you before you could even reach for your shirt.

Nora, once again, was a beast in bed and ended up ripping your shirt. And instead of just finding another shirt you've left at her dorm, you decided to steal her shirt with the heart over the cleavage. Nora woke up seeing you wearing her shirt, but instead of appreciating the view like you thought she would. she rushed over to you and yanked the shirt over your head. "hey! Nora! I've got to wear something!" Nora put on her shirt and replied "of course you do. but this shirt shows wayyyy too much of your cleavage" you frown slightly. "I thought you would like that?" you ask, the upset clearly evident in your voice. "I do, a lot. but I should be the only one who gets to enjoy it". that lifted your spirits knowing that Nora is possessive and jealous of you. that doesn't mean you weren't disappointed that you couldn't wear her clothes.

spending the night at Pyrrhas had become a habit of yours, that also meant you forgot your pyjamas and had to wear pyrrhas. she didn't mind, infact she loved it went you wore her clothes. it showed how comfortable you were with her, and how comfortable you were around her teammates. she wrapped her arms around your waist as you snuggled into each other "you look so cute in my clothes (y/n)" you smile and snuggle closer "thank you Pyrrha. you don't mind if I steal a couple of shirts do you?" you ask with an innocent look on your face. "you haven't stolen any already?" she asked, smirking with an eyebrow raised. you avert your eyes, clearly guilty. Pyrrha noticed. "which ones have you stolen?" she asked, her eyebrow raising even higher, her smirk disappearing. you stay quiet and bury your face in her chest. she hugs your head "I'll find out eventually (y/n)" you don't say anything and cuddle in even closer.

Velvet had a thing for your legs. so when she one day saw you pulling her leggings up your thighs, lets just say you were concerned for how long her nose bleed lasted.

Coco asked you to put on a bit of a fashion show for her. you dressed up in all of Coco's clothes, which took hours, and when you put on the last outfit, you took her beret off her head and wore it. Coco stared at you for a second before talking. "on the bed" was all she said "what?" you replied. she stood from her seat on the bed and cupped your cheeks. "on the bed. now" she quickly kissed you before throwing you on the bed. uh oh.

Winter was frantically searching around the house for her boots. if she didn't find them soon she would be late for work. "(y/n)! have you seen my boots? I have to leave soon or I'm going to be la-" Winter was cut off when she found you sitting on the sofa, wearing her boots that were a bit too big for you, your legs crossed and reading the newspaper. "(y-y/n), those are my boots) she stutters making you look up from your paper. "are they? I didn't realise. would you like them back?" you say, teasing her. she walks over to you, grabs the boots and yanks them off, almost pulling you off the sofa in the process. she leans down so she's eye level with you. "don't take these again" she says trying to look serious. but the heavy blush and glazed look in her eyes betrayed her.

you were rummaging through Cinders closet. she was on a mission and you were getting bored. you came across a jacket and what looked like just a bunch of bandages. you imagined Cinder wearing this and almost had a nose bleed. You thought it looked kinda cute though so you decided to try it on. you were checking yourself out in the mirror and jumped when you noticed a very pleased looking Cinder behind you. "well well. this is a wonderful sight" she says as she makes her way to you, swaying her hips. "hey, what are you doing back?" you ask as she presses herself against your back, holding your hip with one hand and circling your belly button with the other hand. "we finished the mission early. and I know how you get bored easily so I came straight to you" she speaks into your ear, making you shiver. "so...where did you get these clothes? it doesn't seem like something you would wear?" you ask gesturing to the clothes you were currently wearing. "the upcoming mission is to infiltrate Beacon Academy. in order to do that, we have to blend in with the students" now that you know she's going to be wearing this in a school full of hormonal teenagers, you're not too sure how you feel about it. Cinder notices this. "don't worry baby. this may be kind of revealing, but you're the only one allowed to see all of me" she kisses under your ear, giving you shivers, you tilt your head to the side giving her more access. she smirks against your skin. any events after I shall leave to your imagination.

raven was asleep soundly in her tent. she was tired after the latest mission, and you were experimenting with her clothes. you wondered how she can see out of that mask, so you decided to try on her whole outfit and mask. you'd just finished putting it on when Raven started to awaken. you walked over and leaned over her. when she saw you she jumped out of her skin. you took off her mask and chuckled "it's okay babe, don't be scared" you straddled her as she covered her nose with her hand. "m-my clothes are too big on you" she says, swiping away the small trickle of blood from her chin. you smirked and leaned closer "don't pretend you don't love this birdy". Raven glared at you for the nickname but pulled you in for a rough kiss. "shut up (y/n)" she continued to kiss you until you were both breathless.

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