Sequel (bonus chapter??)

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''I spy with my little eye, something tall, red and angry.'' (Y/n) said as she looked around from the building she was on. A muffled laughter came from behind. Behind her was Ron, trying not to laugh at Grell, who was all pissed off and yelling at a poor woman on a frosty winter day like this.

''Come on Grell, cut her some slack.'' Ron yelled and jumped off the building, the other red head following him.

''I can cut you both up too, you two brats!'' He whipped out a chainsaw, and turned it on, making the woman faint. The two chuckled and helped the woman to a nearest bar so she wouldn't freeze to death.

''I assume it's a slow night?'' (Y/n) asked Grell while leaning on his shoulder and staring up at him. He sighed and nodded.

''I only have one soul to reap tonight.'' He scoffed, throwing the death book on the floor but quickly picking it up.

''When is it due?'' Ron asked and came closer, stretching his arms because of the very late hour and a day full of work.

''Are you two spies or something? It's due to 12am.''

Both young lads nodded and left Grell on his way, eventually finding out he found Sebastian and the victim. They saw some fire and fried bodies on their way to Undertakers where they would enter a portal.

''You two! Stop what you're doing!'' The reapers froze at the sound of a woman's voice. A loud one at that.

''Is there a problem madam?'' Ron asks as he sees a big woman with a camera in her hands, standing before them.

''You two look sketchy. Don't you two have a curfew to follow?'' (Y/n) furrowed her eyebrows and replied with a hesitant tone.

''No? We should ask you that same question.'' She said while the woman looked at them with confusion.

''I get it! You're dating. Even you two want to take love away from me!''

Was the woman mental? The two looked at each other in confusion, talking mentally.

''No, listen madam-''

''No! You deserve to die!'' She stuffed something in her camera, taking more time, which made the two question whether they should run away, or stay to see what would happen.

She finally pointed the camera at them and clicked. The reapers quickly squatted on the floor, protecting their faces.

They heard an explosion and a wave of heat rush over them, but nothing happened.

They finally stopped covering their faces and looked up at the woman, standing up quickly.

The woman had a shook expression on her face, not believing that the two were alive.

''How?! You should have burned! What witchcraft is this?!'' She yelled, clicking multiple times at us, but it never had an effect.

We all heard a chainsaw and some voices talking. The woman quickly put out her camera and looked up. Suddenly a wave of blood red hair and shining green eyes appeared, followed by a mop of black hair and shining red eyes.

''No! They want to take my happiness away! I won't let them'' She ran away, while the two stood there, frozen and expressionless.

''WHERE IS THAT GOD DAMN PIG!?'' Grell came, panting heavily while holding his chainsaw, all angry.

''Oh, Ron, (y/n). You're here. Haven't you two left?'' He suddenly calmed down a bit.

''This strange woman came and blasted some flames from a camera. Sebastian caught up to him some minutes ago, now just waiting there.

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