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Monday September 3rd

Layla's POV

Daddy Bil😈

Hey babygirl, have a good day at work today. I had to hang up because i have early class and i don't want to wake you up by getting ready. I have my new internship starting today too, so i'll text you before that lol! Be careful and text me when you get up🖤

"LAYLA HUNNY", My dad yells from downstairs. "IT'S TIME TO GET READY FOR SCHOOL". I groan loudly and stumble my way out of bed. I look over and see i'm not on the phone with Bil any more. She must've hung up while i was asleep. I look at the message she sent and smile to myself. "i think i love her and i've known her for 2 days" i think to myself.

Billie thinks i'm going to work, when in reality i have to go to school, but you know..."i'm 19" remember. I had to make up something. I get up and put on a white skirt and lace crop top. (Imagine the outfit up top, but a crop top instead of a bra thingie) I text Kiana to come get me and she responded with the middle finger. She acts like i won't stab her throat but it's whatever...

Time skip (School lunch)
"GIRL HOW BIG IS IT", Kiana screamed.

This is girl is genuinely the loudest hoe i know. Got everyone in the whole damn cafeteria looking at us.

"A whole ruler girl, a full length ruler"

I told Kiana about almost EVERYTHING with Billie. I'm falling so hard the more I talk about her. I know it's not good to start off on a lie, but it's only a few years. It's not like a century age difference! She'll never even find out..right? Just thinking about her makes me want to burst. Her smile. Her lips. Her piercing eyes. Her big di-

"bitch you over there, you been zoned out and hyperventilating for like 5 minutes"


"sorry for that", I blushed

"Girl you falling so hard! i cant wait to meet her! what school she go to?"

"uh about that..." I start " she's may...well...shemaybe21andincollegeandiliedtoheraboutmyagesowecouldgettogether"

Kiana stares at me with a blank face

"what?" i questioned


Dang i thought she would've been more supportive but ok. I know it's not right but what else could i have said. This is the first time in a long time that i've felt this way for someone and i won't let a 5 year age difference get in the way of my finally being happy. Fuck 12 anyways...

"I know I know it's crazy! but the good thing is she'll never find out! i've made sure to steer the conversation away from that!"

"Layla love you....you're my homegirl, my bestie boo, my ride or die...but i'm telling you i don't like this one bit. i'm glad that you've found someone because LORD KNOWS IT'S BEEN TOO LONG! but just think about Billie! She could catch a case, all because she's falling for a lie! You might want to reconsider this...."

Is she serious?? I'm finally happy with how my life is going and it's not that big of a deal!

" Kiana i can't believe you! you of ALL people should be happy for me, i'm not giving this up and nothing you say can change that" I argued

Kiana huffed and stayed quiet after i finished. we ate silently for the rest of lunch until the bell rang.

"I'm sorry Layla, i just want the best for you! If this is what you want, than who am i to step in the way of it" Kiana finally says while we pick up our trays.

" Sorry for yelling K, i'm just finally happy and i don't want to change that!" i huffed then had a mental battle with myself. Kiana's right...i need to tell her......just not yet. I want to be ready and enjoy this fantasy just for a while longer. "i'll tell her soon KiKi, i promise"

She smiled at me and we hugged.

"now cmon bitch we have class in 10" she laughed.

Kiana and I walked and talked in the hallway, occasionally laughing at some of the fits we saw...some people really do have THE AUDACITY huh.

"Girl" I started. "did you see that girls skirt? i mean who in the he-"

I get cut off by another body crashing right into mine and both of us hit the ground. 

"damn who the fuck hit me? a linebacker? damn" I muttered to myself getting up from the ground. I turn around to look at the big bitch who hit me.

" watch where you go- BILLIE?"

Sorry for the LATE LATE update! I've been lazy lmaooo, but i'm back now hehehehehe👁👁

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