o n e . o n e

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EBONY WAS ONCE AGAIN STRAPPED to the dirty chair. watching the HYDRA workers moving around her with clipboards and syringes in hand. she closed her eyes bracing herself for another round of tests they were about to do on her. she ignored the hushed chatter in a foreign language she was now accustomed to hearing coming from the three men around.

she felt a strong grasp around her arm before a band was wrapped around her arm tightly. ebony breathed out shakily once she felt the prick of the needle hitting her skin. her hazel eyes clenched shut in discomfort she immediately began feeling due to the mysterious black liquid that had just been injected into her system.

this feeling was different from the other ways she felt after they experimented on her with different chemical concoctions. it felt as if her veins were on fire, the burning sensation travelling up to her arm to her neck. the brunette whimpered at the pain, opening her eyes slightly to see pitch black veins all over her arms.

a scream finally escaped her lips, the pain becoming unbearable. she writhed in the chair trying to pull her hands out of the restraints.


ebony woke up with a sharp gasp, a cold sweat sitting uncomfortable on her forehead as she panted trying to catch her breath back. the sun had just began to rise over the horizon, streaming in through her windows of her small apartment. the brunette placed her head in her hands, taking long deep breaths as she tried to forget about the nightmare she had experienced.

ever since she had escaped from HYDRA six months ago - her sleep was constantly plagued by night terrors of the suffering she had endured for the past eleven years. she lived in constant fear of HYDRA operatives finding her location and sending her back to the hell hole where she was given her unique gifts.

she rubbed her tired eyes pushing her duvet away from her body, her breathing was nearly back to normal when she checked the clock on her bedside table. 6:28AM. ebony huffed as she left her bed and walked out of her bedroom into the living room immediately going to the old coffee machine she had bought the same time she had moved into the dingy new york apartment.

once her cup of black coffee was made she sat back down, crossing her legs before sticking on the early morning news. she stared numbly at the screen sipping on the hot drink every know and then, her mind still on the past memory she had went through again.

since she had moved to new york she had found herself a little job in a deli as waitress. it wasn't much but it payed the rent and bills but most importantly she felt like a normal person who doesn't have any special abilities. ebony grabbed the small notebook and pen that was lying on the glass coffee table. she opened a new page and began scribbling down a recount of her dream. every time she had a dream or a glimpse of a past memory, she would write it down and doodle pictures of objects she could remember. it was the one way she felt that actually helped her keep her forgotten memories.

she sat with the notebook, writing down every last intricate detail trying to piece together her memories. ebony sat there for another hour before deciding to get up and ready for her shift she had soon. she jumped into a warm shower, relaxing her tense muscles. it didn't take long for the girl to throw on a pair of jeans and a shirt with her dark hair thrown up. she immediately began to feel better once she was done getting ready, more herself than she did and hour ago.

grabbing her keys and jacket she made her way out her apartment and down the stairs to the exit. she always kept to herself on her walk to work, never wanting to draw too much attention to herself. it wasn't a long walk either which ebony was thankful for and it meant she arrived at the small deli in fifteen minutes. she plastered a smile on her face as she pushed open the door, immediately smelling the freshly baked bread and brewing coffee from the back of the store.

"hi mia," ebony spoke softly, placing her jacket on the usual hook at the back. mia popped up from behind the glass cake case with her charming smile. "you're early today," she pointed out watching ebony tie the black apron around her waist. the brunette shrugged at mia's words making her way behind the counter and grabbing a pen and placing it on her ear. "you do anything fun last night?" mia asked with a smirk on her face, wiping down the counter.  ebony chuckled lightly shaking her head, "i don't know why you expect me to answer any different, but no nothing fun," she replied moving to the coffee machine.

mia gladly given her the job despite ebony not having any experience in. the escaped hydra assassin had made up a story of being a war veteran needing a stable job which mia had bought. ever since mia became ebony first real friend after escaping. "all i'm saying is that you should put yourself out there, instead of sitting in your apartment eating cookie dough ice cream," mia mused with a pointed look on her face. ebony laughed quietly shaking her head at her friends description of her nightly routine.


her shift was quiet, leaving ebony and mia to entertain themselves in the cafe. playing cards and making coffee was the days work - which she quite enjoyed. she said a quick farewell before grabbing her belongings and making her way out of the cafe and onto the busy new york streets. her plans for the night were once again to finish the pint of cookie dough ice cream she had in her freezer and go over her journal once again in hopes to jog her memory.

she ran a hand through her hair as she climbed the four flights of stairs up to her home. the apartment complex was quiet during the evening so after checking the hallway on the third floor she imagined her living room and let the black smoke quickly engulf her.

ebony landed a second later in her living room, "quite a trick you have," an unfamiliar voice spoke out causing ebony to whip her head around. she immediately spotted a figure near her window, an eyepatch sitting on his face along with a stern expression. ebony narrowed her eyes moving further towards the stranger. "how did you get in? and who are you?" she questioned sparing a look for her front door then back to the stranger.

the figure moved away from the window, a thick pile of paper in his hand. "nick fury from shield and you are ebony adams, otherwise known as noir," he held up the paper which turned out to be file with large red letters spelling out classified printed on the front. "what does shield want?" the dark haired girl moved round to meet fury in the middle of her living room, not breaking eye contact.

"i have a proposition for you,"

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