o n e . f i v e

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"AGENT COULSON IS DOWN," fury's voice rang out, ebony stood in silence taking in the news

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"AGENT COULSON IS DOWN," fury's voice rang out, ebony stood in silence taking in the news. she was the first move, teleporting to the hallway before making her way to her room not feeling like talking to anyone. she stripped and went in for a hot shower, cleaning the dirt and sweat off out of her hair and off her body, needing to feel clean in away possible. 

once she was done scrubbing the dirt out, ebony changed into some of the clothes she had brought with her, towel drying her hair. three loud knocks came from her door, with a quiet sigh she spoke just loud enough "come in," the door opened slowly revealing tony with a somewhat sympathetic smile on his face. "what can i do for you stark?" she asked sitting down on her bed watching his movements closely. 

"just wanted to see if you're okay. you seemed a bit off when fury spoke," tony said venturing a step further into her room and closing the door gently. the brunette scoffed under breath - "i never took you as the type to come check on people," she retorted back, tony's eyes rolling at her words. he crossed his arms and shrugged "well i never took you as the type to disappear then appear in a blink of an eye," ebony laughed under her breath "you can thank hydra for that,"

"i know, i read your file," he stated plainly. ebony's eyebrows furrowed, she hadn't even read her own file. it probably held information about her life before hydra, past missions that they had wiped from her memory and the soldier that sometime appeared in her dreams. she wasn't sure if she even wanted to read all the intel shield had on her, rather just be in ignorant bliss. "you know, i can only remember my last assignment before i escaped, but i know that killed many people before that. coulson was another life lost, it's just hard to deal with," ebony spoke softly, her eyes on her hands refusing to meet tony's gaze. "i just wanted out but now i've been dragged back in," 

she watched tony's feet move until she felt the mattress shift under tony's weight. he cleared his throat awkwardly, unsure how to approach the brunette so they sat in silence until he could find the right words. "maybe this time it'll be different," ebony finally lifted her head up with a sad smile on her visage, carefully taking tony's hand "thank you," she squeezed his hand gently before letting go noticing him try to show his discomfort. a small laughed her escaped her lips as she let go, tony nodding to her before leaving her alone in her room once more. 

not long after her heart to heart with tony, steve made an appearance once again dressed in his suit, "time to go," he announced obviously already having a plan in mind. 


when the four of them arrived in new york, the portal was already open and the alien army had started to fly through. ebony and steve stayed at the back of the jet while clint and natasha took care of shooting down a few of aliens that tony had brought in front of them. it was going well for the team until loki decided to hit one of the wings with a strong blast from his sceptre. 

ebony huffed loudly as she grabbed onto the bar at the top trying to steady herself while the jet shook and spun out of control. before it finally crashed causing steve and ebony to fall forward on impact, "sorry," she groaned quickly removing herself from him and giving him a hand up and running off the burning jet. "we got to get back up there," steve shouted over the noise of the chaos that had ensued while the ran towards stark tower. 

the four of them watched the skies in awe, chitauri appearing from every direction now and a large serpent alien flying through the air that began dispatching foot soldiers onto the ground. "stark are you seeing this?" steve asked through the coms while they continued to watch the skies fill up with the chitauri. "seeing. still working on believing. where's banner? has he shown up yet?" tony replied. 

after a few close blasts they took cover at a taxi, "we've got civilians still trapped up here," barton shouted as more blasts hit the streets and the chitauri flew past them. ebony noticed a few of the alien's had dropped down in front of them, aiming their weapons at them. the brunette grabbed her knives and teleported over before she could hear the conversation, she grasped the knives tightly and began to take some of the chitauri down. clint and natasha soon joined her in her task of taking them down before they could do any real damage. 

steve ran down the street, him and clint helping the civilians out of a bus that had been stuck while ebony breathed heavily as she jumped through the street taking down the chitauri as she went stopping them from attacking any of the civilians. ebony took in her surroundings, realising that she was close to her apartment and work and that mia could possibly be in danger. "i've got to check something i won't be long," she spoke through the commlink to the team ignoring the sudden influx of questions from the team. 

ebony arrived to her old work in a matter of seconds, frantically shouting for her friend over the muffled explosions coming from outside. "mia? are you here?" she called out again making her way to the back of the shop, her dark eyes scanned the room and quickly noticed mia crouched in the corner. "ebony?" mia mused, confusion evident on her face as she took in the sleek black outfit and knives that were strapped to her waist. "come on we need to go," ebony urged grasping mia's hands pulling her up from the floor. 

"what is going on? where have you been?.... and what are you wearing?" mia exclaimed shaking her head. ebony sighed placing her hands onto her friend's shoulders, "i'll explain everything later but just brace yourself," she smiled sympathetically before teleporting mia and herself to a subway which was quickly filling up with people. "i'll be back later okay. just stay here i have to go," ebony announced as she watched mia hunch over from the disorientation. mia groaned quietly straining out an okay before ebony teleported back up to steve and the team ready to finish the fight for new york. 

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