I come in a form of pressure, mental and physical tension or strain. I worm my way in slowly but surely without being noticed. I invade your private space like a small hole on a Tshirt and in no time I confuse, distract and make a person see everything as impossible...
I'm a no go zone because it's easy for me to escalate into different serious conditions and challenges that people face today. The most dangerous fact about me is that I have the power to control people's thoughts in a negative way... I steal your potential, positivity, happiness, standards, pride, strength to overcome and face tomorrow and your sleep as well....
Yes when I pay you a visit definitely you will experience sleepless nights. You will find it hard to socialize and just mingle with other people because I specially create a little world for you whereby you will associate yourself with words like "badluck" "misfortune" bear in mind words are extremely powerful and very much alive...i then swallow you up or drive you off the edge of a hill and live you to die inside.
Lack of concentration becomes your best friend and what life comes to offer becomes your enemy simply because of the negative thoughts I present to you. Secretly and slowly I take advantage of your weakness, a situation that's beyond your control. You I'll hate your appearance, you will no longer do things the way you used to for an example taking care of your looks...
I rob you of your progress in your own life...Dear: reader I am stress
#Do not let any kind of situation and or hardship stress you out and get the better of you, find a way to deal and cope with it... Fact of the matter is no matter how hard you stress about something, it doesn't mean it will go away or get better instead it gets worse because it becomes an everyday thought without a solution.
#Seek help, ask for advice before it becomes something deep that maybe you might not recover from.Remember situations or challenges are time based, don't give them a permanent room to stay, mind you only rent it out... You are the owner kick the stress out, it's not a rent to buy space.
You are not alone we've got each and together we can conquer things that drag us down...
#Personification #My Best Friend
PoezjaI will use this book to bring non living things to life... It is my personification and poetry space.