Draco and Hermione go on a date

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Ron- Harry, have you seen Hermione yet? She was supposed to meet us in the Great Hall twenty minutes ago to go to Hogsmead.

Harry- I'm not supposed to tell you were she went. She says if I do, she'll stuff me in a barrel and push me down all the stairs in the whole school!

Ron- Let's go down to Hogsmead then.

Twenty minutes later, in front of the Three Broomscticks...

Harry- Can we go to Zonko's first? I'm really not in the mood for a butter beer yet.

Ron- I am. Let's just go in for a- Hang on! Is that Hermione! With Malfoy?! What are they doing? Are they on a date? Harry!

Harry- Look, there's Dean! Let's go talk to him!

Ron- You knew that they were on a date, didn't you!

Harry - Maybe... Well, I've got to run! Runs into Zonko's Joke Shop.

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