Potions Class

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Snape- Mr.Malfoy, what is wrong with your hair?
Malfoy- (basically crying) Someone put something in my shampoo!
Snape- Why would anyone do that?
Hermione- Draco you look good all the time, but if it bothers you, I have a way to fix your hair. I also know who did it!
Malfoy- Who did it? Fix my hair!
Hermione - Ok, but you have to take me on a date in Hogsmead.
Malfoy- Well, you are kind of cute. Ok, it's a deal. Meet me in the Great Hall this Saturday at 11:00.
Hermione- Ok, here you go (casts a spell to fix his hair).
Malfoy- Thanks!
Snape- Miss.Granger, please reveal who did that to Mr.Malfoy's hair.
Hermione- It was-
Ron and Harry- Hermione doesn't know who did it! She lied!
Hermione- Yes I do! It was Harry, Ron, Fred,George and Lee.
Snape- 10 points from Gryfinndor, each.
All the Gryfinndors in the room- NOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Ron- Wait, Hermione is going out with Malfoy on Saturday! No, she's my girlfriend!
Harry- Ron, shut up.

A/N Sorry for not posting for this story in soooo long, I could not think of anything!

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