Hogwarts Rules Part Two

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8.Students are not permitted to follow Professor Snape around anymore, thanks to the "needing more grease, going to shave Snape's head" incident.
9.Professor Trelawney is not to be referred to as "four-eyed beetle lady" anymore. Also, do not call her "crazy bat lady" either.
10.Using the levitation charm on Professor Flitwick is no longer tolerated. Everyone, including him, said it was only funny the first time.
11.As funny as this was, please refrain from calling Mr.Malfoy ferret then charming his plat at meals so that he can only eat ferret food. His father is getting tired of receiving letters from Mr.Malfoy about these incidents.
12. Pushing Mrs.Norris down the stairs will not be allowed anymore, Mr.Filch says he will push the next student who does this down the stairs after his stupid cat.
13.Professor Hagrid will no longer allow student to have their wands out or near them unless he says otherwise. Especially Mr.Weasley, seeing as he is the one who set Hagrid's hut on fire.
14.The next time the fourth, fifth, sixth, or seventh year students from either Gryffindor or Slytherin start a fight, they will be hexed and put into detention for a week. If the said students are Mr.Potter and Mr.Malfoy, the detention will be for one month and they will not be allowed to participate in four Quidditch games.
15.Feel free to help the Weasley twins prank either Mr.Filch or Professor Snape. If they are going to prank anyone that isn't these two, I suggest you not get involved.
16. In reference to rule 12, if you are going to push Mrs.Norris down the stairs, only Mr.Filch will care, so any member of staff who sees you do this will cover for you. Unless Professor Snape sees you do this. Then hex him and push him down the stairs and run away. You will not get detention for this as long as Professor Snape and Mr.Filch don't catch you.
17.While in Honydukes sweet shop, if one wants to, you can but Professor Dumbledore sweets. Professor Dumbledore adores sweets and would let you get away with all the pranking you want if you did but him sweets. Especially Berttie Botts Every Flavour Beans.
18.Feel free to push Mr.Filch down the stairs. But first, hex him from behind then push him and run away.

Professor Dumbledore has approved these rules. Especially rule 17. This is the end of the rules

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