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-: sixth year :-


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Hogsmeade was something which only added to the Hogwarts experience for Tiger. The village was so beautiful, and was something which Ilvermorny didn't have - the closest town nearby being a small village at the base of the hill on which the Ilvermorny school was.

And it reminded her of the village where she had first lived in America - a place where she was welcomed by everyone, and it was a community, rather than just a village. But then they moved to New York City, and the world seem so much scarier, and so much bigger.

There was something of that quality in Hogsmeade, everyone was friendly and no matter who caught Tiger's eye, they flashed her a smile. Or maybe it was because she was was with the Marauders, who seemed to be friends with every inhabitant of the village.

Tiger and James had managed to quickly catch up with the other three, who had got a corner booth at the Three Broomsticks, and had two of the butterbeers waiting for them.

And the reaction with any of them could see from Tiger drinking her first sip of butterbeer was something else for James to think of and smile. She seemed to constantly do such endearing things, and he couldn't explain to anyone why he seemed to be able to commit such clear images and memories of his to his mind, stored away and ready to play at any moment.

Tiger had ended up going for lunch with Lily, Marlene and Lydia, at a small café tucked away from the main street of the village. There she had eaten a lunch, and returned to the four boys as they walked into Zonkos.

And it was then when Tiger experienced a almost different side to the four boys. More innocent smiles, wonder in their eyes as they poured over a new product that the shop owner was selling them. And then the laughter that sounded whenever someone figured out how they could prank someone with it.

Tiger had heard from Remus of their many pranks, and knew almost every one that they had pulled. But she also knew about the past incidents with a certain Severus Snape. She had seen the dark, greasy-haired Slytherin around school, and always seemed to recieve the same glares which her cousin would.

Perhaps he suspected her to also be a werewolf, and was considering ways in which he tell everyone. That's what she felt as if he was thinking every time she saw him, that he was figuring out ways to get them into trouble.

And honestly, Tiger wouldn't have been surprised if the four boys held a grudge against Snape. But not once, did he come up. Yes, the Slytherins did as a whole, multiple times, but never Snape on his own. Meaning that Remus was right when he said that the reason behind Lily deciding to eventually go out with James was just that - he had matured.

"You look deep in thought." James commented, walking up to Tiger, who was stood by the window, as she watched her cousin, his best friends and various other students run around the colourful shop.

"Just listening to whatever pranks you guys are coming up with. It's actually quite interesting to listen to." She replied, and James flashed a smile, holding out his hands, showing various pieces of candy.

"We start off small every year, after the first Hogsmeade visit. And we thought - why not start with a classic. Hiccough sweet?" He offered, holding his hand out, his palms filled with what looked to be like sherbet lemons.

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