|4|: Hunting

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~that evening~

I looked at the leather outfit that lay on my bed and cringed. It was such an old fashioned and awful outfit and I wanted to burn it to ashes.

Unfortunately, I don't have anything else to wear for hunting so I'll have to make do with what I have.

At least no one will know that I'm the one that's wearing the monstrosity. After sighing once in sadness, I picked up the outfit and put it on.

Wearing this outfit always makes me feel like a monster. However that wasn't always the case.

There was a time when wearing this outfit made me feel empowered and invincible. I felt like I could do anything as long as I had this outfit on.

But that was before.

Now I feel sick to my stomach when I wear this and I'm filled with dread. Because wearing this outfit usually means that someone is going to die.

  However, the mask is a different story. It may be part of the hunting outfit, but I've always loved this mask. It was custom made by Uta and I feel that it matches my soul.

   This isn't just a mask that hides my identity. This mask also hides my true feelings behind a smile.

  This mask is the reason I received my name. It's the reason why many people feared crossing my path. It's the reason for my survival.

But it's also the cause of much tragedy.

This mask, is who I am.


I had finally finished getting ready and it was time to hunt.

I didn't want to call attention to myself by walking out the front door of my apartment, so I climbed out the window. I hopped from rooftop to rooftop, scanning the grounds below.

If I can avoid killing someone I will. Killing someone is my last resort. Hopefully I'll find a fresh suicide victim.

I sniffed the air and caught the scent of a dead body and made my way there. The smell got stronger as I got closer. It smelled rather fresh and my mouth was watering.

Finally I reached a dark alleyway and jumped down. I noticed a figure slumped over in the back of the alley and made my way towards it.

By the time I reached it I felt like I was about to lose control. The smell was driving me mad, I felt my Kakugan activate and I lunged for the dead body.

  However I stopped dead in my tracks when I got a good look at the person. My eyes widened in shock and I took a few steps back in terror when I looked at the body.

I immediately recognized the person. It was one of the girls from my school. One of the girls who kept pestering me to have lunch with her.

If finding one of my classmates dead in an alley wasn't bad enough, there was something even worse about the situation.

I noticed a gaping hole in the girls chest, it was right where her heart used to be. There was no way in hell that this was a suicide.

I sniffed her body and picked up the strong scent of Ghoul. It was radiating off of her.

  After feeling her body I realized that she was still warm. She couldn't have been dead more than half an hour. How had no one heard her scream?

The girl's eyes were still open and they shone with fear. In fact, her whole face was frozen in an expression of terror. From that, I deduced that whoever killed her toyed with her first, making sure that she was scared.

  If I had to guess the cause of death, it would probably be a heart attack, brought on by extreme terror. I sighed sadly and closed the girl's eyes, then I stood up.

"Whoever did this is probably still around here somewhere." I muttered to myself, while staring at the girl sadly. She may have been a stuck up bitch, but she didn't deserve to die like this.

'This is bad. If there's another Ghoul around it could cause some serious problems.' I took off my mask and pinched the bridge of my nose. Things just got a whole lot more complicated.

I knew that I had to get out of the alley. It wouldn't be long before this girl's body is discovered and I shouldn't be anywhere near here when that happens.

I put my mask back on my face and raced out of the alley, but not before taking one last sad look at the girl's body.

~small time skip~

I booked it home and jumped through my bedroom window and shut it behind me.

I removed my mask and the rest of my outfit, before changing into my pajamas and heading towards the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee.


The hot coffee warmed my throat as it went down and managed to satiate a bit of my hunger.

'This night was nothing but a huge bust.' I thought dejectedly.

  I hadn't been able to feed and on top of that, there was another Ghoul in town and it had killed one of my classmates.

I knew that there was a reason that that girl was killed besides for a meal. Someone deliberately chose this girl to send me a message.

  Plus, the scent on her body seemed familiar, I just couldn't figure out where I had smelt it before. I finished my coffee and went back to my room and flopped down on my bed.

"This is such a drag. I was finally building a new life for myself and now it's in jeopardy. I should've known that it wouldn't be that easy to escape my past."

I was starving, angry, and now I was desperate. I knew that I only had one other option at the moment and it killed me inside.

  But I knew that I needed help and I was a big enough person to ask for it when I really needed it. Sighing, I pulled out my phone and punched in the number.

The line rang a few times, before someone picked up the phone.

Taking a deep breath in and out I spoke.

"Hey, it's me...

... I think I need your help."


* Sorry that I haven't published a chapter in a while. I've been a little distracted. Anyways I hope that you enjoyed this chapter. Even though it was a little short.

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