Part 9 ~ An Escape

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Molly winced as he felt the bruises around his ribs, cursing that half-elf in infernal. At least, he was forming the words in infernal but the enchantment of this cell restricted any sound from reaching his ears. He sat on the ground and leaned up against one of the solid rock walls, nursing his wounds. He wondered how long he had been in the cell. He was starving and the chamber pot in the corner of his room needed changing, but the more pressing matter was how the flying fuck was he supposed to get out of this?

He had tried to jiggle the lock, but that was absolutely pointless. He'd pulled on every bar and pushed on every stone but everything was firm and sturdy. Wherever he was, this was a place made to securely hold people. This was definitely some form of secure prison.

Suddenly, sound reached his ears and the silence scattered as the intense darkness fell away and the enchantment faded. Molly heard the squeak of a wooden door from down the torch-lit hallway. Heavy footsteps echoed off the stonework as someone walked down the hallway, towards the lavender tiefling's cell.

A cloaked figure emerged, one of his captor's associates, armed with a dagger that glinted in the firelight.

"Oh dear," Molly sighed, elated to hear his own voice but very concerned about his current situation. "I don't suppose you're here to offer me some company," he smirked in what he hoped was a seductive way.

The figure unlocked the cell and swung the bars open, putting the keys back on his belt and drawing another dagger. Now that Molly could see his face he made out this being to be a human-ish person whose ears were concealed but whose eyes displayed ill-intent. Molly very suddenly felt like a mouse cornered by a cat.

"You're no longer useful," the dagger-wielding man explain simply.

"Oh, no, I'm very useful for many different things," Molly feinted confidence as he got to his feet and prepared himself for a fight.

The man moved first, slashing out with one blade, an attack aimed for Molly's neck that the tiefling just barely avoided. The second knife grazed his chest which made him snarl. Unarmed as he was, he had to pray that he was strong enough to overpower his foe and so he tackled the man, pushing him to the floor and pinning his wrists down to restrict his blade maneuvering.

The man, surprised that his quarry had given him such a fight tried to break free but Molly held firm. The tiefling slammed the man's right hand into the floor repeatedly until the dagger fell from his grasp. His tail flicked the dagger across the floor far away from where the two were grappling.

A moment later, Molly was pushed off and the man got to his feet but Molly was prepared. He kicked out, slamming his heel into the opponent's knee, feeling bones shatter. The would-be murdered let out a scream of pain and crouched down, holding his broken leg. Molly jumped to his feet and punched the poor guy in his face while his tail whipped out and just barely managed to snag the keys from the guy's belt and pull them to Molly's hand. 

He bolted for the door, leaving an open opportunity for the hurting individual who lashed out to try and grab Molly by his horns and pull him away from the door. Molly just barely avoided it, the man instead grabbing one of his dangling ornaments and ripping it away. The tiefling didn't wait a single moment but instead scrambled over to the cell door, kicked it open, ran out, and then slammed it shut while his opponent was still struggling to stand.

"Sorry, but not really," Molly smirked as he used the keys to lock the would-be killer in his cell. He then bolted out of the hallway, heading for the open door at the end of it.

The trapped man cursed and looked at the piece of jewelry he had managed to pull from the tiefling's horns; a dangling chain with a metal crescent moon affixed to it. He threw the chain away and began to yell for assistance as the prisoner escaped, cursing his fate.

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