Part 11 ~ A Reunion

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It took a good couple hours after the Mighty Nein 'dealt' with the particularly annoying half-elf for any of them to remember that two of them were able to scry.

But of course, once they did remember, Jester was running about like a mad man setting up the spell and rubbing her hands eagerly. Now, hopefully, since Molly had escaped, Jester's scry spell would work 

"Ooookay guys, here I go," she chirped as she closed her eyes and focused eagerly on the memory of her purple friend. The way his smile went all the way to his eyes, his playful smirk that made his eyes glimmer, the lively movement of his tail that seemed to have a will of its own. The colorful tattoos adorning his body and the flowing clothes that he always wore. As she squeezed her eyes and clutched her symbol of the Traveler, she felt a breath of wind as a familiar hand wrapped around hers.

"Well... let's see what this friend of yours is up to," The voice of the Traveler rang in her ears and Jester grinned.

She was pushed out of her body and into another scene where she almost screamed in jubilation because there was Molly. He was there, he was real, he was alive, and he was smirking. He was smirking his signature smirk as he stood, hands on his hips, his tail whipping around playfully as he tried to negotiate with a store owner.

Where... where was he?

Jester strained to make out anything recognizable in the scry but it was hard just to make out the face of whoever Molly was trying to barter with. It was a store, she knew that much and she could see some semblance of farm equipment on the walls but nothing was defining its features. After a few moments, Jester just forsook the damn store and focused completely on Molly, on his mannerisms and quirks that just marked him as Molly. There wasn't a doubt in Jester's mind that this Molly was their Molly.

The purple tiefling managed to strike a deal and waltzed out of the door with a bag of food and an apple which he quickly fed to his horse hitched outside of the store. He patted the tired horse and then looked expectantly at the store owner who brought out another horse who appeared older but at least looked well-rested, unlike Molly's steed who seemed quite exhausted. Molly hopped on that horse, gave the store owner and polite nod, and made a sarcastic comment in the best Mollymauk way possible and took off once more, and this time, Jester managed to catch a sign in the distance.

The Candleglow inn.

Molly was in Alfield and was just leaving.

She jumped up after her scry and looked to the group.

"We gotta go back to Alfied!" she announced. She then closed her eyes and cast a message spell.

"MOLLY! Molly, it's Jester! We totally beat up that jerk who hurt you, we're coming after you so stay in Afield! See you soon... boop." 

She sat expectantly and listened for a response.

"Jester?" Molly's voice called back and Jester squealed in happiness to hear his voice. "It's good to hear from you, darling. I was going to Nicodranas but I can wait here... how many words does this thing have - "

"He's waiting for us! HE'S WAITING! COME ON GUYS!" Jester grabbed them all and pulled them towards the horses.

"Jess, wait - " Beau began.

"No waiting! Just going!" Jester urged happily as she burst out of the inn and jumped into a cart. Her tail was swishing about joyously and she jumped up and down in the cart as the horses were hitched up and Caduceus took the reins.

"We'll have to ride through the night," Fjord recognized, looking up and seeing the setting sun.

"Who cares! Molly's in Alfield, we've got to go!" Jester cried.

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