Chapter 3

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MUSIC ASSAULTS MY EARS, gratingly loud techno with a bass so deep that I feel my heart throb in response to its call. Bodies grind together in coordinated chaos all around me, dancers worshipping their partners' bodies with each and every moment. All I can feel is the swaying of the crowd and the heat of their skin sending fire along my own. I lose myself to the sensation in an instant.

The logical part of my brain—the part that I don't get along with—tells me that I should probably find Kage, where he is undoubtedly downing a much too expensive drink and chasing some poor girl that will inevitably get her heart broken by him. At least he's consistent—I'll give him that.

I know he won't be concerned by my absence, so I allow myself to linger in the crowd for a bit longer. I can nearly taste the lust emanating from the patrons—sweet and heady. Contagious. My eyes close of their own volition, and I let the music take me, curling its notes around my hips and drawing them into its swaying rhythm.

I don't know how long I remain here, transfixed and dancing in a throng of strangers, but eventually I grow thirsty. I spot Kage's tousled hair relatively quickly, but he is leaning down, purring into a pretty bottle blonde's ear, so I don't bother him. I gently push my way to the bar, finding a stool to sit on as I wait to catch the bartender's eye.

Sweat glistens on my skin, a thin sheen of glimmering beads. They are so clear, so crisp, like dew sparkling in the light of day. I find myself fascinated by how well I can see each distinct drop. My body has become a human disco ball, the thin sheen of perspiration reflecting the various flashing lights in the club.

"What can I get you?" The bartender has to shout to be heard over the thrumming of the music, quickly shaking me from my thoughts.

My lips part, ready to order a series of drinks that will hopefully send me into oblivion, when I feel my skin prickle, gooseflesh rising on the back of my neck. Someone creeps up behind me, dangerously encroaching on my personal space, which is a feat in and of itself considering that Acheron is packed. I can feel the perv's eyes burning a hole in between my shoulder blades, and I'm about ready to throw an elbow in his direction when he places both hands on my hips, temporarily stunning me.

"Two whiskeys on the rocks—top shelf," a deep voice purrs in my left ear. The bartender nods and turns away to make the drinks, oblivious to the murderous expression on my face.

"If you want to continue having hands, I suggest you get the fuck off me," I growl lowly. My body is taut, every muscle tense and on edge, though I haven't moved from my casual position on the bar stool.

And yet, despite my threat, the stranger doesn't release me.

"Is that any way to speak to the man who just bought you a drink?" His voice is husky, a failed attempt to be seductive. "Come dance with me. I can show you things you've never seen before."

And...that's it.

My temper flares instantly, sending a burning sensation along my skin. I clench my hands into fists, nails biting into my skin so forcefully that I draw blood. The tangy, metallic scent hits my nose, and for a moment I'm back at my last school, tasting iron in my mouth after I let that girl hit me. The memory is enough to drive me to snap my head back, cracking my skull against the creep's nose.

His sharp gasp of pain is my favorite music, and I whirl around, ready to kick him in the crotch if he tries anything else. But he is already gone. I scan the crowd quickly, but I don't even know who I'm looking for—I never saw his face.

My drink sits untouched on the bar, already paid for by the mystery man. My hand flashes out to grab it, the amber liquid sloshing in the glass when I raise it to my lips. I realize I'm trembling, which only irritates me further. I down the drink, reveling in the comforting burn as the alcohol slides down my throat, leaving a trail of fire in its wake. The resulting heat in my stomach wakes my body up, adding fuel to the fire that is my temper.

I have always been pretty even keel, but once my temper ignites, it takes off like a wildfire. And right now, I am a raging inferno.

I charge through the club, shoving people aside to reach where I had last seen Kage. Sure enough, he has the same blonde glued to his face like a leech.

"I want to go home," I snarl, grabbing his arm to get his attention. He doesn't deserve my anger, but he has become the unfortunate victim.

His eyes widen in surprise, like he forgot I had come to the bar with him. "What happened, Cal? Is everything okay?" he whisper-shouts, turning his full attention to me—much to the dismay of the woman stuck to his hip. She shoots me an impressive glare, but the poor little lamb doesn't have any idea what would be in store for her if she continued to push me.

I shake my head in response, sticking my hand out for the motorcycle keys. He winces like he wants to say no, but when I glare at him, he complies. As I turn to find the exit, I hear him call after me something about being careful.

I stalk out of the bar, smashing the door open with an ear piercing bang. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I realize that the damn thing must be a weak piece of garbage because it develops a large dent from the impact of my hand hitting it.

I have to get out. Too many people, too many smells, too many sounds. With all of the different stimuli assaulting my senses, I can't even begin to form a coherent thought, but my body aches for fresh air.

I don't care that I don't have any sort of license, let alone one for a motorcycle. I find the Harley quickly enough, and throw myself on it, starting it without a problem. At least I have one thing going for me.

The cold air whips my hair around my face, stinging my cheeks as I peel out of the parking lot. It smells like rain, ozone seeping from the sky, and I push the bike harder, faster, not caring about the speed limit or how reckless I know I am being.

It only takes a few minutes for the rain to begin falling, and it is at that point that I realize I must have taken a wrong turn somewhere, and that I am totally and completely lost.


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