Chapter 7

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IT ISN'T THE CRAZIEST THING I'VE EVER HEARD. It even makes sense when I think about what Kage told me.

Ryder studies my expression as though testing me for a reaction. When I keep my face carefully neutral, he continues speaking.

"It doesn't make sense, though." He narrows his eyes, wheels turning in his mind. "You should have had your first shift years ago. Plus, I've never heard of a witch and a wolf having a kid together."

You and me both, buddy.

He runs a rough hand through his sand-colored hair in a show of mild agitation. "The only explanation I can think of us that someone bound your wolf, locked away that half of you."

A small puddle of dread pools in my stomach, but I don't even know how to begin to respond to that. It's not like I knew that other half even existed—if it actually does—so how can I possibly be upset by it?

He tilts his head to the side, listening, and a second later I hear tires pulling up in front of the house. "Who is that?" he whispers, instantly tense.

I shake my head in an attempt to clear it. "My uncle," I murmur, not understanding his sudden anxiety.

"I have to go, Calla." The way he says my name is completely foreign to me—soft, gentle, kind. "I'll find you when it's safe to talk. Don't—don't tell anyone about me." His voice is rushed, words clipped.

I want to make him stay, to ask a million questions, but he is already backing up into the shadows of the forest behind him. He melts away, and I lose sight of him, though I can still smell his lingering scent. Several moments later, the sound of two feet walking turns into four paws trotting away, deeper into the trees.

"Cal? Where are you, kid?" Kage's voice calls from inside the house.

I stand shakily, reluctantly heading back towards the porch. If I can't ask Ryder questions, maybe I can finally get the nerve to ask my uncle.

"I'm here, I'm here—try not to shit a brick," I grumble, poking my head inside.

Kage stands in the kitchen, grinning at me, which is almost frightening. When he moves to the side, he waves his hands with a flourish to reveal a plethora of food covering nearly every inch of the table. I can only pray he didn't try to cook any of it.

"So that's where you went? To get all of this?" I can't help but laugh a little as I take in the ungodly amount of breakfast food before me. Kage doesn't do guilt, and this is an over the top expression of how badly he feels.

I am still unbelievably angry with him for not telling me the truth about my mother, but I can't stay mad at him forever—he is the only family I have left.

He nods and pulls out a chair for me, then sits down next to me. "Listen, Cal, we really need to talk—preferably without fighting. It's important that you know everything." He sounds remorseful, but his face is deadly serious, and unease creeps up my spine.

I can only nod in response as I pull my hair back into an unruly ponytail, then grab a donut. Just the sight of the glazed sugar makes my mouth water, my hangover quickly forgotten.

Kage sighs and releases all the tension in his shoulders, clearly relieved that I have accepted his peace offering.

I keep my attention carefully focused on my donut when he starts to speak.

"I told you that Lilith was powerful—exceptional, really. Our family was made of many powerful wardens, and your mom was the last." He pauses, his gaze heavy on my face. I nod my head, indicating for him to continue. "Normally, all of this—our history, our gifts—is taught in school, but you haven't exactly been exposed to that sort of education yet, so I'm giving you a SparkNotes version." A grin from him.

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