Chapter 62

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"Okay guys! I want you to meet someone!" Coach yelled. I snapped out of staring at Charlie. I looked down at the floor.

"Let's go down." I said hoarsely. Charlie nodded. We went to the front door and saw Coach with a lady. The whole team came down.

"Is that your lady friend?" Les asked. We all started to laugh.

"No, this is Mrs. McKay, your teacher." Coach replied. We all looked around at each other.

"Teacher?" Jesse asked.

"Yes, teacher. Since you are many miles away from your school, you guys need to have some schooling. So that's what I'm here for." Mrs. McKay stated. Goldberg walked up to her and put one arm around her.

"Mrs. McKay, we are very hard working hockey players, we play... for the country. Now, I say that school can be choosing on whether we go or not." Goldberg implied. Mrs. McKay nodded.

"Okay, school is optional!" Mrs. McKay announced. We all started to cheer. "But," She continued. "Shall you not attend, you can't play hockey." We all sighed in frustration.

"Okay, when does it start?" Fulton asked.

"Today, so get ready and I'll met you down here in thirty minutes." Mrs. McKay stated. We all walked up the stairs to get ready.


We were all sitting in a school room, which looked nicer then the ones back home, both homes I should say. We were waiting for Mrs. McKay to get our supplies from the office. I turned to Adam and Charlie.

"I'm gonna fail everythin'." I stated with a laugh.

"Same here. I don't really do good in school. Some subjects I'm good at." Les said.

"Let me guess, snack, lunch, pe?" I asked. Adam and Charlie started to laugh.

"And let me guess what your good subject is." Les snapped. I smiled.

"Go ahead."

"Having guys think you're attractive..." Les said. I stopped him from continuing.

"Wait, you think I'm attractive?" I asked. Les stared at me, then he tried to say something.

"Well, uh, no." Les stumbled. I smiled.

"You like me, don't you?" I asked.


"Well it takes one to know one." I snapped.

"No, I saying that because Adam finds you attractive, James thinks you're attractive, Dwayne finds you attractive, McGill thinks you're attractive, Charlie thinks you're attractive, I think...." Les stopped talking.

I looked over at Charlie and he was blushing hard. "You know what, never mind. Pretend I never said that." Les demanded. I rolled my eyes.

"Charlie, I though you got over Courtney." Adam whispered, I guess so I couldn't hear it. Charlie shook his head.

"No, I saw him kissing Courtney before we left." Les added. Charlie's head shot up. I put my head down.

"Oh, so you kissed her." Adam said. He turned his body forward in his seat. He gripped the desk with both his hands.

"I'm sorry Adam, I didn't mean too, okay? I was helping her with the Keith thing and then, I don't know..." Charlie's voice faded. "I'm sorry, Adam. I probably ruined our friendship forever..." Adam turned to him.

"It's fine. Don't do it again." Adam demanded. Charlie nodded.

"Okay, I won't."

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