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CHAPTER SONG: Mess Around- Cage The Elephant

I looked at all the food that- what was her name again?- made. My mouth watered at the sight, my stomach growling in anticipation. Harry took a seat across from me, anger etched over his face. I couldn't help but smirk to myself, he must have not been used to rejection. 

"Fretta, thank you so much." Ron said, smiling at the older woman. Fretta smiled at her boss and began to dish us all a plate. I was not very used to this kind of dining, rich and being served like this. At home we never had this kind of expensive food, or in that matter this much of it. There was several china plates filled with delicious looking food, homemade baguette's on the corner of the table. I thanked Fretta as she handed a full plate to myself, grabbing a slice of bread. Everyone began eating at once, no one talking since the food occupied us.

"Darling!" I shrill voice called from the living room. Harry froze, his eyes becoming icy cold. He swallowed his mouth, his jaw clenched. 

Ron smiled and got up. "Please excuse me for just a moment. My wife has come home." We all nodded except Harry as Ron walked out of the room. Harry sighed loudly as he pushed himself from the table. He got up and walked over to a wooden cabinet filled with all kinds of expensive wines, whisky's and crystal glasses. Harry grabbed a clear bottle and poured himself some scotch. I was surprised to see that he was drinking right now, but half of me expected that of him. He swallowed the contents and turned to us, his eyes fixed on Zayn.

"You drink?" Harry asked as he raised his right eyebrow.

"Of course." Zayn retaliated. Harry smiled a genuine smile, which confused me, and poured Zayn a glass of Scotch. He never cared for Zayn, ever. So why now? "Thanks mate." Zayn said as he grabbed the glass from Harry. 

"Would you like some, princess?" Harry asked me, his voice gone with sarcasm. I hated to admit it, but I loved the pet names Harry gave me. I would never tell a soul that, for it could lead Harry into using me as a toy.

I shook my head and looked down at my plate. If I drank, which isn't very often, I drank wine. I hated the feeling of being drunk, the slow reaction and the confusing waking up. "Here." Harry sat down a goblet of red wine, taking his seat back across from me- his own glass clutched in his oversized hand. I looked at the red liquid, my eyes turning to Harry with question. "You look like a wine woman." Harry explained, smirking as he took a swig of his drink. I blushed at his accusation and took a drink of wine. The liquid coated my mouth and throat, making me smile. I swiped my tongue around my lips, savoring the rich taste. I felt Harry's green eyes on my lips as I licked them and swallowed as I watched him take his bottom lip between his teeth. I rolled my eyes and held onto my glass, looking out the window as it snowed ever so lightly. 

"Sorry about that." Ron said coming into the room, fixing his tie. A blonde woman followed him, making me almost choke on my food. She was truly beautiful, her golden blonde hair was sweeped up in a tight but cute ponytail, her make up on point. Her perfect white teeth showing in a smile as she looked at Zayn and I. Her green eyes brightening at the sight of Harry. 

"Hello son!" She said, walking over to Harry and bending down slightly. She hugged him tightly, making Harry roll his eyes.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to call me your son? I'm Ron's son, not yours." Harry snapped at her, his voice cold without emotion. I watched as the woman's smile faltered, her eyes becoming sad.

"Son." Ron threatened.

"Sorry about that," The woman said, fixing her black dress. "I'm Margeret. Ron's wife. It is so nice to finally meet the two that Ron always talks about!"

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