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HARRY'S P.O.V        

I woke up the next morning, my head pounding from the night before. I shouldn't have drank so much, but I was completely sober when I kissed Carli.

I kissed her. 

A big cheesy smile tugged on my lips, me chuckling to myself. I got up and threw on some joggers and a sweatshirt to match. I needed to go to the cabin and.. clean up. I was shocked and freaked out when Carli found some of Sophia's lingerie. I thought I had taken care of everything but completely forgot that she left some in the cabin just in case. I felt guilty when I yelled at Carli, after all it wasn't her fault. I honestly believed that I had ruined my chances with her when she left. Carli seems to amaze me every time we hang out how amazing and special she is. 

I walked down to the kitchen and was greeted by my father and Margeret sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast. 

"Morning son." My father said behind his cup of coffee.

"Morning." I mumbled back. I was never a morning person and the older I get, the worse I am. I kissed Fretta on the cheek and took my dry toast and freshly squeezed orange juice from her. I sat down at the table and took a big bite of my toast.

"I saw you getting cozy with what is her name..?" Margeret said rather rudely. It always pissed me off how she seemed like she had a stick up her arse when it comes to someone that is obviously not rich like her or fashionable as she is. Carli is a completely different person from Margeret and I wanted to puke at the thought of comparing someone as dirty as Margeret. Margeret had been putting up a fake front for Carli, tricking her that she actually cared about Carli.

"Her name is Carli." I snapped at her. "Why do you suddenly care about what goes on in my life?"

My dad sat his cup down and sent me a glare. "What? Her tone was awful!" I hissed.

"She's cute. But I don't think she can give you what you need." Margeret said, eying me.

"Are you saying that she's lower than me?" I ate my final bite and followed it by a gulp of orange juice. 

"No. I never said-"

"But I mean, my dad did that. He married someone that's lower than him." I got up and sat my dishes in the sink. Margeret's face fell, her ugly thin lips pressed into a tight line. I grabbed my jacket and swiftly put it on, storming out of the house. I walked to the lake, taking my time. It was a ten minute walk but I wanted it to last longer. My phone rang in my pocket and I took it out.

"Hello?" I grumbled into the phone. 

"Harry?" Her voice instantly soothed me, a smile replacing my scowl.

"Hello beautiful. How did you sleep?"

"Ok, I guess." She giggled softly, sleep still in her voice. 

"Did you make it home ok?" I asked, my protective side taking over.

"Yeah, Niall dropped me off and then he dropped off Zayn. What are you doing?" Carli asked.

"Just walking around, hiking. I needed to get out of the house." The leaves no longer had a crunch to it, rather it was slimy from the snow and rain. I loved the crunch of leaves, but hated them getting everywhere. The trees to m y dismay were bare, looking rather scrawny and weak. I loved when spring hit, letting the trees grow greater. 

"Why? Did something happen?"

"No.. Well, yes. But it doesn't matter. Why did you call?" She had never called me before. 

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