Episode 48: The First French Ship.

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Narrator:Takeo and his ships tried to decorate his new office, and met the panda twins when they went to lunch. Let's see how that lunch is going.

*They all head to a cafe in the plaza, and eat lunch*

Takeo:"So...Ping Hai, Ning Hai. Those pandas...are they your pets?"

Ping Hai:"Our pandas?"

Ning Hai:"Yes, they are sister too, just like me and Ping Hai."

Takeo:"I see, that's cute."

Ning Hai:"W-Well, it only makes sense."

Javelin:"Hello little panda."

Ayanami:"Nice to meet you, little panda."

*Javelin and Ayanami shake their pandas' hands*

Takeo:"Heh, they look pretty adorable."

Ping Hai:"Cute, huh..."

Ning Hai:"W-Well, thanks..."

*They finish their lunch*

Ning Hai:"Thank you for the meal."

Ping Hai:"Yeah, thank you."

*The sisters bow to Takeo, and they leave*


Takeo(mind):I just hope she doesn't drool on me...

Takeo:"Well, that was a nice little lunch."

Z23:"Shall we head back to the office?"

Takeo:"Nah, let's see who else is around the plaza."

???:"Huh? Is that big brother?"

Takeo:"Oh, I wonder who that sweet voice could be..."

*Takeo turns around and sees Unicorn running towards them, holding U-chan in her arms*

Laffey:"It's Unicorn..."

Javelin:"Hi, Unicorn!"

Unicorn:"H-Hello everyone, it's been a while."

Takeo:"Yep it has, now we're just missing one person..."

???:"My, it's as if you already knew I was here."

*Takeo suddenly spots Illustrious next to him*

Takeo:"Whoa! Where did you come from?!"

Illustrious:"I apologize if I scared you, commander."

Takeo:"N-Nice to see you again too..."

Javelin:"Yay! Both Unicorn and Illustrious are here."

Ayanami:"Are they gonna play with us?"


Z23:"It really has been a while, Unicorn. How are you?"

Unicorn:"I'm doing really well. How about you all? You all look tired, have you all been working?

Z23:"Oh, we've just been helping the commander move into his new office."

Illustrious:"I've heard about what happened to your house, I'm terribly sorry for that. No need to worry though, the holy light will protect you from any further damage to you."


Takeo(mind):Don't know how long hope will protect me though...

Unicorn:"Are you alright from that fire, big bro?"

Takeo:"Yep, I'm fine. I also found the rock that you gave me the other day."


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