Final episode

22 0 0

When i wake up in the morning- uh, maybe noon already.

"Oh God! What time is this?"

"10pm?! How could i- oh i dreamed about Daniel last night"

"It's not a dream" he comes to the room with a breakfast.

"HUH? Daniel?!"

"You must be tired waiting for me all night long"

"You're here!"

"C'mon eat your breakfast, let's go to the downstair"

"Of course, I didn't realize i fell asleep last night, I supposed to greet you"

"It's fine, not a big deal"

"Is this bag yours? So you go to work today?"

"Yeah it's mine, there are many important things there that i have to bring. But the good thing i will have a months freedom"

"For sure?"

"I already promised to you"

I shows my smile after a week, i know I shouldn't doubt on him.

"Yeay! I've been waiting for this one"

He smiled "do you like it?" ((Bitchsjksfg))

"The breakfast? Of course, it's amazing"

"I- oh, okay. I'll go in few minutes, I'm going to change"

"Go on" i said

After he leaved, i take a shower and then texting Theresa that i and Daniel are truly okay, there's nothing to worry. But then, i see his bag still on the table, he said it's really important.

"Are you there, Hazel?"

"Yea wait a minute, it's Daniel's bag, he forgot to bring this"

"What you gonna do?"

"I will bring this to him, talk to you later Thee"

"Okay, bye"


I arrive at his building, it's truly busy here, i ask the front office where's his desk or something, he never told me before so...?

"Good morning, what can i help you Mrs. Riddick?"

"Morning, eh, can you tell me where's Mr. Riddick desk or main office?"

"It's on the fifth floor"


"My pleasure"

I go to the fifth floor, but still can't find which one, i asked one of the employee.

"Is Mr. Riddick here?"

"I'm sorry Miss, I haven't seen Mr. Riddick" this woman seems so busy, she's still on his phone and held so many paperworks


I ask a few of them with the same question, but also the same answer.

"Have you seen Mr. Riddick?"

"I'm sorry"
"Oh i think not"
"I haven't seen him"
"I'm sorry but no"

Like seriously where's him now? I walk like a lost and don't know where to go, I'm in the corner of fifth floor, so quiet and i see almost no one here, but i need to bring this to him, i know it's important for him. Or maybe they're right? Maybe he's not in here, but how could?? I saw him left.

"I think i should go home and leave it here"

When i want to turn around, i heard a noise from a room beside me, the door is half opened. My eyes widened knowing who's in that room. I immediately hide myself on the door, good things they didn't seen me. I'm standing here eavesdropping on their conversation.

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