Chapter 10: Date Night

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Tally P.O.V

I was standing on side stage Watching Motionless in white do there set. I just finshed my set. I watched Tj play his gutair. Once in a while Tj would look at me.

When there set was over they all came over to me. I was about to hug Tj. But he puts his arms up. "I'm kind of sweaty " Tj said.

" I don't care " I said

I gave him a kiss and a hug. "How about we go out tonight " Tj said.

"Ok " I said.

" Dress nice "Tj said.

" Ok I'll wear my nices skinny jeans I have " I said.

" No....Wear a dress " Tj said.

" Ugh Fine but only because I love you " I said.

He smiled. I gave him a hug and started walking to my bus.  Alex was sitting on the couch.  " Alex I need your help " I said.

" With what " Alex asked.

" Fashion " I said.

Alex for right up. " I need a dress for my date with Tj " I said.

Alex ran to the back . Moments later he came back with a dress. "Where did you get this " I asked.

" I'm Alex I always have clothes that people need when there is a fashion emergency " Alex said.

" Thanks Alex your the best " I said.

I went into the bathroom and took a shower. I got out and got dressed. (Outfit on the side ) . I put on black eyeliner and black eye shadow.  I looked at myself.  I liked the way I looked and walked out of the bathroom.  All the guys were in the living area. "Wow " They all said.

" What " I said.

" You look nice " Gabe says. 

" Thanks " I said.

I grabbed my phone.  " I'll be back and when I come back the bus better be clean " I said.

" Your not are mom you can't tell us what to do " Cj said.

I gave him my look. My look is I look at you like I'm going to kill you. It gets them every time.  " Ok the bus will be clean " Cj said.

" That's what I thought.... bye guys " I said.

I walked off the bus and started walking to MIW van. I knocked on the back and Ricky opened the door. Ricky mouth dropped open.  " You look hot " Ricky said.

I smiled.  " Thanks" I said.

" Tj is still getting ready" Ricky said.

" Ok " I said.

Ricky came out of the bus. " You know you always dress in dark colors " Ricky said.

"Yea so" I said.

" I dare you to dress like a girly girly for the rest of warped " Ricky said.

" Are you kidding " I asked.

" No" Ricky said.

" What do I get if I do it " I said.

" An unlimited shopping trip with me " Ricky said.

I smirked. " Your on " I said.

We shook hands.  " But if you decide you don't want to do this no more than you have to do whatever I want for a whole month " Ricky said.

" Ok but I'm going to win " I said.

"Also I have no girly clothes " I added.

" I'll get You some they will be on your bunck when you get back " Ricky said.

Tj came out in a suit. Tj looked at me and his eye's got wide.  "You...look....amazing " Tj said.

" You don't look to bad yourself " I said.

"Barf " Ricky said.

I just rolled my eyes. " Let's go" Tj said.

Tj took my hand and we started walking. We got to this Fancy restaurant.  " Two for bell " Tj said.

We followed this guy to a table.  He set two menus down. I looked at it. A waiter came over a couple minutes.  We order and the waiter walked away. " Your not wearing the necklace " Tj said.

I looked down. " I am " I said.

I pulled it out. " I kept it tucked in " I said.

" Oh " Tj said.

Me and tj talked intel are food got here. "Tj I need to tell you something " I said.

" What is love " Tj said.

I signed.  " Me and Ronnie made up... were talking again " I said.

Tj sighed.  " Why ....After everything he done to you " Tj said.

" Well everybody was telling me to forgive him.... and when I do you guys get mad" I said.

" We told you that before he hit you! " Tj spoke louder. 

"Really come you guys can't be happy for me" I said.

Tj signed. " I am happy for you It's just I don't want you to get hurt again " Tj said.

Tj grabbed my hand from across the table.  " Trust I won't" I said.

" Ok.... I love you " Tj said.

" I love you too" I said.

We continued to eat. When we were done. We started walking around. " I'm sorry I snapped at dinner " Tj said.

" It's ok you were doing because you were worried " I said. 

" Did I tell you you look hot tonight " Tj said.

" Yea you did.... You better enjoy it while it last " I said.

" Why " Tj asked.

" Me and Ricky made a bet... if I dress like a girly girly for the rest of warped then I get to go on a shopping trip. If I lose I'm basically he servant for a month " I said

" Oh" Tj said.

We walked to the buses. Tj walked me to my bus. " Goodnight babe love you " Tj said.

" I love you too" I said.

I gave him a kiss and went on the bus. It was clean and quit. The boys must be sleeping.  I went to my bunk and saw a whole bunch Oh clothes. I signed. I put them away. I changed into shorts and A The Relapse symphony shirt on. I went in my bunk and went to sleep.
Here's the chapter. Hope you enjoy.  The song I was listing to while writing this chapter was Death to your heart by blood on the dance floor. Also I have this story out called don't forget (Chris motionless and Ronnie Radke love story) . It's on my back up account.  My back up one is  TallyHorrorOlson. If you would cheak that out it would mean a lot. Vote, Comment and Share.  Okay till next time.

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