Chapter 12: 1 week later

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Tally P.O.V
My mom is coming today and I can't wait I'm so happy.  My mom is my best friend and I love her so much. Over the week I have been spending alot of my time with Jacky he is a fun guy to be around.
I got up and got an outfit.  I Went to the bathroom.  I took a shower and got dressed. My outfit was a a white shirt with pink skinny jeans and flats. I did my hair and make up. I sat on the couch waiting for us to get to the airport.  We finally got there. I saw my mom standing there waiting for me. I ran off the bus and gave her a hug. " I missed you " I said.
" I missed you too " Mom said.
She let go and looked at me. " What are you wearing " Mom asked.
"Long story short me and Ricky made a bet" I said.
" Oh and you don't smell like cigarettes anymore " Mom said.
" I only smoke when I'm stressed " I said.
" Wow you go to warped a little girl then you come back a woman " Mom said.
" Trust me I still don't act me age " I said.
I grabbed my mom suitcase and walked on the bus. All the guys came to the living room. " Mom " They yelled.
Yes they call her mom.  She is like a mom to them.  "Mom you might want to sit down" I said.
" Why " She asked.
" Because were about to drive and I don't want you to fall on your face " I explained. 
She sat down so did the guys.  We started driving back. " I'm glad you and your father made up " Mom said.
" Me to... Now it's your turn " I said.
" What...I don't need to talk to him" Mom said.
" Well you two are my parents your going to be seeing each other lot " I said.
Mom just rolled her eyes. After 10 mintues We got to the venue.  "I'll be right back Mom stay here " I said.
Mom just nodded then went on her phone. I got off the bus and went to FIR Bus.  I walked on and saw Jacky sitting on the couch.  " Hey Tally " Jacky said.
" Hey Jacky... Have you seen Ronnie " I asked.
" Still laying down" Jacky said.
I went to the back and opened the door. I went to his bed and pulled the blankets off of him.  " What " Ronnie said.
" Get up " I said.
Ronnie groand and got up. I walked out of his room and went back to living area.  Jacky was on his phone. I took it.  " Hey give that back " Jacky said.
" Um let me think about that no" I said.
I ran to the bathroom and locked it. I sat on the ground and read his text messages.  While I was reading them I notice that Jacky had a little crush on a girl.  He wouldn't put her name. I unlocked the bathroom and walked out. Jacky jumped on me and made me fall. He fell on top of me.  He grabbed his phone.  " Thank you very much " Jacky said.
Ronnie came out of his room and saw me and Jacky.  " Um " Ronnie said.
Jacky got so did I. " So where are you taking me " Ronnie said.
" To my bus " I said.
I started walking and Ronnie followed Me. We went to my bus . I pushed him in and slammed the door shut.  I pushed against the door so they couldn't get out.  Ronnie banged on the door. " Tally let me out" Ronnie said.
I didn't say anything I just kept myself pushed against the door, Finally he stopped. Then Tj came over to me. "Hey"He said.

"Hey" I said. 

"What are you doing" Tj asked.

"Trying to get my parents to talk" I answerd. 

"Oh"Tj said.

Me and Tj talked for about 20 mintues then I herd moans. "Oh hell no" I said. 

I opened the door and saw Ronnie kissing  my mom necks. Me and Tj cleared are throats Ronnie moved away. "Oh hey" Ronnie said akwardly. 

"You guys got closer than I thought you would" I said. 

"Um  I have to go"Ronnie said. 

He got up and walked away. "Um I think I should go to" Tj said. 

He gave me a kiss on the cheek and walked off the bus. "What about you and your girlfriend"I asked.

"We broke up"Mom said.

"So were you and Ronnie plaing on getting back together" I asked.

"I don't know" Mom answerd.

"What do you mean you don't know" I asked.

"We were talking then he leaned in and kissed me and all the feelings I had for him just came back" Mom said.

I gagged. "Now I know how Ricky feels"I said.

"What should I do"Mom asked.

"What do you mean" I asked.

" Should I get back together with him" Mom asked. 

"Your a grown women thats you choice not mine" I said. 

Ronnie P.O.V 

I can't believe I just did that. But i never thought I would anything for Jazzy again but I guess the saying is right true love never dies. While I was walking I started thinking Tally and Jacky have been spending a lot of time together. I hope Jacky doesn't have a crush on her. I got to my bus and walked in. When I walked in Jacky was sitting on the couch. "The guys here" I asked.

"No they went to get something to eat" Jacky said.
"Oh Well I need to talk to you" I said. 

"Ok"Jacky said.

"Do you like Tally?"I asked.

Jacky looked down and started blushing. "Yea I do but don't day anything" Jacky said. 

"I won't but I'm just telling you now it better not go out of the friend zone she's my daughter and she has a boyfriend" I said. 

I got up and went to my room. I really hope Jacky doesn't try to pull any moves to break Tally and Tj up.

Okay thats the chapter I hope you guys enjoyed it. I have a lot of ideas for this story right now so I might update a little later. The song I was listing to while writing this was Creatuers by Motionless in white. Vote,Comment and Share intel next time bye. 

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