06. ya'aburnee

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You bury me — 

the hope that a loved one will outlive you

as to spare yourself the pain of living life

beyond that person

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"Look at him, all smiles and smokes while his family is rotting in prison," with a distasteful tone leaving a bitter taste on her mouth, Kaya shook her head and observed Thomas speaking with Christopher and the Bardin brothers some tables away from theirs. She was not happy about having to share the same space with the Peaky Blinders and was making it her mission to let everyone inside the café – including them – know about it.

"One day you're going to have to tell us why you hate him so much," Arwen said, snatching her fourth or fifth glass of champagne. She had taken upon herself to celebrate the arrival of the Birmingham gang at La Vie En Rose, even if no one else was in the mood to join the celebration, as they were all too aware of their infamous reputation and their history with London clubs.

"One day you're going to have to tell me how you don't," Kaya retorted. "Have you forgotten what they did to Sabini's Eden Club?"

"Well, it's universally known that Sabini is a douchebag, so—"

"He might be a douchebag, but that doesn't excuse what the Blinders did to his club," Élodie intervened, always the diplomat. "Kaya's right, I don't like their presence here. So far they're calm, but all it takes is one order from that debonair man you fancy so much for them to turn into rabid dogs and wreck the place."

"Rose would never allow that," Audrey countered, her faith in her sister unwavering as always. Audrey was the kind of person that not only followed but loved people blindly and unconditionally too; she gave her heart to the world, to the point where it was more his than her own, and that worried her sisters, who had learnt long ago to wear an armor around theirs. "She's got it under control."

"Sometimes I wonder if Rose actually knows what she's doing, or if she just acts like she knows what she's doing," Kaya declared.

"Well, it's working either way, isn't it?" Arwen enquired. "Thomas hasn't been able to take his eyes off her all night, so I say she's doing a pretty good job keeping him away from trouble. So if he and his gang are snakes like you say they are, then we're lucky Rose's a charmer."

"Let's just hope the charmer doesn't get charmed," Kaya replied, arms crossed over her chest. She had seen Rose and Thomas speaking at the bar, and it was like seeing two sharks testing each other's waters. Both sniffing the blood on the other's hands.

THE FRENCH KISSERS ― Thomas ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now