anger along with frustration.

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Anger, it pulses through me makes me lash out at the one who hurt me. Sometimes that person is myself. Sometimes I pull my hair out because the anger is consuming me. I cry but that's not always going to help. 

Please dont push me to hard. Dont yell at me. Dont get frustrated. Just help me. Confort me. Hold me.

I want to punch something, I want throw something. I want to so angry at you that I hurt you.

I want to hurt you so you'll hurt me.

With anger comes frustration. My hardest emotion to deal with. My frustration. I cry when frustrated.

Frustration is going to be my downfall it's going to ruin me.

It's a constant noise in my head telling me that I cant do it. I will never be able to do it so why keep trying?

Along with frustration comes torment. It torments me in my dreams. The epitome of who I am depends on how hard I work to make others happy. But if I cant make someone happy my frustration gets the best of me. It convinces me that I should just give up. That's they never want me to be the one to make them happy in the first place.

Anger and frustration are going to be my downfall but even then they will not be death of me.

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