Chapter 1 - The Worst In Me and The Best In You

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I was 8 when dad decided it was time I meet the justice league.

I was hiding behind dad when we arrived in the Zuba boom tube. It announced his name 'Superman 01'.

I was hiding behind his cape there were way too many strangers. 

"Come on, Chloe," he said pulling his cape so I couldn't hide

I stood close to his side.

"Chloe Justice League, Justice League Chloe," He said peeling me off of him 

"Hi Chloe," a man said zipping up to me

"Hi," I said shyly

"Flash you'll scare the kid," a man in green said

"No I didn't," he says back

"I'm Hal and that speedster is Berry," he said pointing to the person that said hi to me

"Hi," I said coming out my shell a little

The man in black looked at his phone

"We have to go, Robin stay here," he said to the boy sitting in the chair

"Red Tornado will watch you, ok?" Dad said as I floated to his level

"Ok, be careful or mom will be mad," I say giving him a hug before he left and followed the others

I flew over to Robin

"Hi, I'm Chloe. What's your name?" I say with a smile

"That's none of your concern," he said coldly

"Don't mind him?" a girl said

"Oh hi" 

"I'm Artemis. That's Raven, Megan, and Cassandra"

"Nice to meet you," Megan says with a smile

"Nice to meet you too"

"Wanna hang out?" Cassandra asked


"Oh and call me Cassy"

"Ok Cassy," I say 

 Megan, Cassy, and Artemis were about 3 or 4 years older than me but I didn't mind. Rave looked my age.

"So who are you guys here with?" I ask as we all sit on the couch

"Well I'm Green Arrow's Neice," Artemis said

I mean that makes sense I mean her name is Artemis

"Yeah I'm Martian Man Hunter's Neice," Megan said showing her green skin

"And I'm one of Batman's protégés," Cassy said

"How many does he have?"

"Well he has the 4 boys and 3 girls including me so in total 7"

"wow, how does he keep up with all of you?" I asked

"Well he is scary keeping us inline, but kind and caring so it makes us want to cooperate," She said with a smile 

"Oh cool," I said 

When the adults got back a saw dad covered in bruces and cuts. I gave him a glare

"I'm still in one piece," he said 

I flew over to him and gave him a hug

"I know but mom would have given you that look" I had into his ear

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